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Saturday.My favourite day of the week,nothing to do and no one to see.
I shifted in my sleep and realised how comfortable the sofa seems to be,I opened my eyes and noticed the familiar surrounding of debs and i's bedroom,my bed smelled a bit like Frank proving last night really happened but how did I end up in my room when I fell asleep on the sofa downstairs?
I get up and walk downstairs,Lip's washing the dishes and Debbie is sat with Liam at the table colouring.
"Morning sleeping beauty,your finally awake"Lip chuckles.
"How did I end up in my own bed last night? I thought Frank was sleeping there"I frown,taking a seat next to Debbie.
"Oh yeah,Fiona didn't want you to be complaint of a sore back and she didn't want Frank thinking he could he just barge in here whenever he wanted and take your bed so Fiona,Ian and I hauled him outside and left him on the lawn,then we carried you upstairs to your bed,you were like a baby"he explained before asking me what I wanted for breakfast."not hungry"i replied shortly,I was met with a disapproving look from Lip so I sighed and picked up an apple,biting into it and frowning at my older brother,"happy now?,where is everyone anyways?"I ask,noticing how quiet the house is.
"Fiona and Ian are both working,Carl's gone off to play with little Hank and the rest of us are right here"he smiled,pointing at Debbie and Liam.
It was later on when Fiona and Debbie came back from doing the grocery shopping,Debbie was shaking with a terrified look on her face.Something had happened,Fiona explained about the pedophile on the bus.
We were all pretty fucking annoyed,Debbie had Lip look up all the perverts on the Southside of Chicago,Lip Ian and Mickey wanted to go after the weirdos and scare them out of our neighbourhood.
Mandy was gonna teach Debs how to defend herself,Fiona,Lip and Ian insisted she teach me too but I wasn't having it,I can defend myself if I ever need to.
I started to get to work on the laundry,Fiona was busy making dinner,she scored a new job today,some supermarket.
I was also watching Liam,Fiona seemed stressed,I thought she could do with a break.
Veronica burst through the door with a tear stained face,Kev's wife had shown up yesterday with her son,Kyle who could possibly belong to Kev.
The whole thing is super dramatic and somehow Fiona managed to get in the middle of it.
I rolled my eyes,"you fucked up Kev,V deserves better"I muttered before heading upstairs to my room.Debs was outside with Kyle sitting on the porch,I heard yelling from my brothers room,sighing I went in to see what the hell was going on.
"What the hell happened,catch the perv from the bus?"I asked sitting down on Ian's bed,Liam on my lap.
"Well we caught A perv"Lip replied,Ian rolled his eyes "Jesus,let it go Lip,you lost your virginity at fourteen"he laughed coldly.
"Fourteen? Bro that's my age now,what the fuck"I echoed,staring at lip and laughing.
"Whatever,suppose she does it with Carl huh?"Lip raised his voice,I looked over to Carl who was sat on his top bunk he smirked and I scoffed,"boys are gross,always so horny,please be a gentleman Liam"I whispered,tickling my baby brothers tummy.
"Its serious Liv,she's a teacher,went to jail for doing it with a student"Lip turned to me,"so what,she probably had his consent,let it be"I replied coolly,getting up to retreat to my room,"it's fucking disgusting"Lip called out after me,I ignored him and whispered into Liam's ear as we descended the stairs.
Kev and V were gone,Fiona was watching some TV,I'm glad she's getting some time to herself for once,I sat down next to her,resting my head on her shoulder.
"Everything okay?"she frowned,I sighed "just tired"I whispered however in reality I was just depressed.
Depression seems to come in waves,I can be totally fine one minute and the next drowning in my own despair.
I don't wanna bother my siblings about it,they have enough on their plates as it is,they don't need to worry about me.
"You know you can tell me anything that's bothering you right?"Fiona sighed,focusing her attention back on the TV,I nodded in response.
Carl came downstairs moments later,something was bothering my little brother too,I could tell but he's good at hiding his emotions.
I held an arm out for Carl to come cuddle on the couch "come here little buddy"I laughed,nuzzling into his bald head.
Frank shaved Carl's head earlier because apparently  Carl has nits again,those things seem to love him.
I'm a little suspicious though,Frank's never given a damn about any of us before,why the sudden interest in Carl? I have a feeling franks up to something and that's why Carl seems so down lately,I shrug it off and enjoy the quality time I'm spending with my siblings.
Soon enough,my other siblings come down and join us.V and Kev come in with pizza.
I love nights like this,nights where we can forget about being poor,forget about being responsible and forget about having crummy lives with crummy parents.
On nights like these,we can just act like a normal family,well as normal as The Gallaghers could ever pretend to be.
Authors note;
If you haven't already figured out,this story takes place in season 3,not everything will go the same way it did in the show as this is a fan fiction oof I hope y'all enjoy the story.

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