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"You sure you really wanna go? I mean a whole week away from this dysfunctional family,dude that's gonna be tough"I laughed,as I helped my little brother pack for the camp my alcoholic father somehow managed to get Carl into.
I wasn't so much helping Carl pack,I was packing for him as he sat watching silently.
He was quiet lately,too quiet.
Something was bothering him I could tell,I let it go but I'm worried about him.
After a few awkward minutes of me trying to make conversation I decided I had to do something.
I climbed up onto his bed,the top bunk and jumped down next to him.
I looked into his bright blue eyes which matched mine.
"Come on iCarly,you can tell me what's bothering you,I'm your sister and I love you and I promise whatever it is I'll help you get through it"I said,smiling weakly and taking his hands in mine.
iCarly was the nickname I gave Carl when he was just a toddler,it had once been my favourite show.
"He told me not to tell any of you,he said I'm a man now and I have to deal with it myself"Carl replied quickly,sadness trailing his voice.
"Come on Carl,two of us,well we're like the forgotten Gallaghers.You see Fiona is the oldest,Lips the smartest,Ian's gay and Debbie's the youngest girl,Liam's the youngest,it's no fair that they all get each other's attention.Two of us,we're too quiet and we're the middle kids,nothing special about us so we gotta stick together which means you gotta tell me what's bothering you"I persuaded.
Carl sighed and looked up at my,his eyes glazed with tears.
I took my hands and wiped away the single tear rolling down his left cheek.
"I think I'm dying Liv"he whispered slowly,a few more stray tears began to flow.
I frowned,pulling him in closer,"why would you think that?"I questioned softly.
"I have cancer,that's why Frank shaved my hair.I don't wanna die Liv,I'm scared"the tears were now flowing rapidly,his breathing picking up.
I cuddle him into my chest,resting my chin on his bald head.
I was furious.Frank did this.
Frank somehow convinced his eleven year old son he was dying of cancer.
"Your not dying Carl,I promise you"I soothed,I didn't want any of my other siblings finding out about this,they probably wouldn't let Carl go to the camp.
Carl deserves this camp,he's a good kid who's been through shit.
"Baldy,you are gonna go to this camp and have the time of your life okay?,I won't say anything to anyone about your cancer but I can assure you,your not gonna die from it,God wouldn't take my Carl away from me"I smiled,handing him his bag and wiping his tears.
When we got downstairs I noticed Frank standing by the door waiting for Carl.
I couldn't believe him.
Sometimes I forget about how much shit my siblings have to deal with,I have to deal with.
One by one we all waved Carl goodbye.
He cuddled Fiona closely,something Carl's never done before,I heard him whisper "I love you" and "thank you for everything you do for us".
Carl then ran up to me giving me the biggest hug ever.
"I hope your right Livy"he whispered using the name he and Debbie used to call me as infants.
"I'm always right Carl,don't you worry now enjoy being a kid"I chuckled.
We watched him leave with Frank and once he'd disappeared Fiona turned to me with a questioning look,"what was that all about?".
"First time away from home nerves I guess"I shrugged.
Fiona wanted us all out of the house for some meeting thing she was holding with her new co workers from the supermarket.
From what I overheard of her conversation with V last night,Fiona's new boss is a total perv,he forces his employees to do shit with him everyday,gross.
Somehow Fi got around that rule.
Lip and Ian headed out earlier,probably to go fuck with their Milkovich lovers.
Debbie and I were up in our shared room,Debbie was doing some homework while I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling,I had nothing else to do,not like I have a phone or anything,that's just the cost of being poor,of being a Gallagher.
Authors note;
This chapter is kinda just a filler,I want to clarify Debbie is two years younger than Olivia.
Olivia is fourteen and in this story Debbie is twelve.
That makes Carl eleven.
If any of y'all want me to do earlier seasons (1 or 2) comment below,I can do another book with those seasons.  :)

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