Chapter 3: Droidspeak

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 "Skywalker" Tony shouts entering the hanger, Shea looks up from where she's working on the Tempest.

"Stark" she greets back. "What are you doing here?" he holds up a folder.

"I brought a contract...." he holds up another file. "And.....some tweaks" he teases, Shea glares playfully before sliding down the ladder and walks towards him, wiping her hands on her overalls.

"Don't you have messengers to do that for you?" she asks taking the folders from him.

"Don't you have mechanics to do that" he points to the jet. "For you?"

"Touche" she mumbles, the two of them walking the work space. "I figured if you want her up and running I should get back to her...."

"Good idea" he tells her. "The tweaks....I swear it's nothing major......your designs were pretty spot's just....the glass..." he takes the tweaks file and opens it as she turns to him. "We need UV proof.....and here" he turns the file to her. Shea laughs.

"You want to put a bar in...."

"Mission goes wrong......Avenger needs a drink" he tells her with a smirk.

"That happen often?" she asks leaning on the work space looking over the designs.

"No....but when it hits the team as one Avenger is a raging alcoholic...." she laughs and gives him a look.

"I would have alcoholic" Tony smiles at her.

"Wow....someone who's playing down my alcohol problem" she rolls her eyes and looks to the blueprints.

"These are...acceptable changes.....that space was going to be an equipment hold....and extra crew bedding.....your numbers are small enough that the crew quarters here" she points to the blueprint. "Will sleep....eight....but with the sofa space in the new recreations room and here in the meeting'll sleep ten, eleven....maybe a few more....we'll see what space we can make if you need more...."

"Why does it need beds at all?"

"You remember when Ultron destroyed your tower and you had to sleep on a farm with Clint's brother and his wife...." Tony nods.

"Yeah, beds are great" he tells her, she laughs.

"The mattresses are memory foam......the best we could afford....try them out...." she motions to the storage cupboard away from them. "I am sure if you are funding this now you could afford better if you need..." she clears her throat. "Want it" Tony smirks as she opens the shutters. "Most of the furniture and fittings were bought before the frame was even welded" BB-8 beeps and whirls rolling past them, Tony turns to watch him go.

"What is THAT?" he follows after BB as Shea smirks. "Did you make it?" he asks surprised. "What is it?" he crouches to look over the droid who beeps at him.

"He's a BB unit. One of a kind. Utterly unique and utterly invaluable" BB-8 beeps and whirls happily.

"A BB unit?" he asks.

"My own fathers.....he built me my first droid when I was four...." She smiles and motions to BB-8. "This is BB-8"

"8?" Tony reaches for BB-8 who whirls and rolls away and hides behind Shea.

"I tried to build six of my own.....BB-8 is the successful droid" Tony smiles up at her.

"Jets...droids...." she shrugs.

"It's a family thing....." she tells him with a smile. Tony watches BB roll around.

"I want one" he states, Shea laughs.

"Like I said....he's utterly unique" she heads into the storage cupboard.

"What's he for?" Tony follows her and BB.

"Many things..." she answers. "Today he is my welding torch"

"Like a Swiss army droid?" she laughs and looks to Tony.

"Exactly..." She agrees. BB-8 whirls and beeps. "Yeah, I know...." Tony looks between them.

"He talks?"

"Those beeps and's droidspeak.....compressed binary"

"And of course you understand binary..." Tony teases.

"Like I said....I was given my first droid at four....grew up around droidspeak" she shrugs. "What do you think of these?" she motions to the mattresses. Tony cocks his head and lowers one of the mattresses to the floor before dropping down onto it, he folds his hands behind his head and wiggles around on it.

"Test it out with me?" he asks with a smirk. Shea snorts.

"In your dreams"

"Oh every night" she smirks and shakes her head.


"They're good....they'll do"

"Good...." she leans against the table next to her.

"Your judgement seems pretty solid on most of this" Tony states looking around.

"You want me to mix in team colours?" Tony raises an eyebrow at her. "Little aspects....reds and, white and blue....silvers....greens and purples.....just little things.....curtains...chairs...paintings....."

"Yeah..." Tony nods. "That sounds great..." Shea smirks at him.

"You want to help?" she asks. "You, me and BB...."

"Serious?" Tony asks raising an eyebrow. "You want me to work with you on YOUR baby? Cause I don't know how I would feel about someone else touching my suits....No,...wait, I do....I would hate would never happen" he smirks at her. She shrugs.

"She's going to be the Avengers jet....not going to be my baby forever..." Tony looks to her softly before he smirks.

"Well" he slaps the mattress before standing. "It is a good thing....we've decided to keep both of you then isn't it?"

"What?" Shea asks looking to him, Tony smirks and grabs a wrench from the side.

"You heard decision....we want the jet and the pilot....welcome to the team, Skywalker...and yes....I will help" he waves the wrench at her as he heads towards the jet. "That also have to come to the rest of the team......and" he turns to walk backwards with a smirk, Shea follows him. "You will need to move into the Mansion......bring the little guy" he waves to BB. "I'll introduce him to Dum-E"

"Dum-E?" she asks.

"You've got your bot...I got mine"

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