Chapter Five- Hermione's POV

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A day or two before the Christmas Holidays were to begin, I received a reply from my parents.

Dear Hermione,

We are so happy that you are doing well! We can't wait to see you! Of course you can have your friend to stay! We will make his time here as good a possible for him! Hope you are doing good in your schoolwork! We will pick up you, Lavender and Draco from Platform 9 and 3/4 at four in the afternoon ok?

Love from Mum and Dad xoxoxoxo

I gasped and told Draco the good news and we straight away went to pack.

I packed my favourite books, some spare clothes and just a few essentials, toothbrush, flannel, bath robe.

I only packed a few clothing items as I had several still at home.

Lavender was packing beside me, taking lots of her makeup, several pairs of clothes and about fourteen pairs of shoes and a huge feather boa.

"I want to make a good impression because I've not met your parents before," Lavender told her as she started selecting clothes to wear on the day.

She lay out a purple ballet top and a swirly pink skirt with layers in it up to her knees. She put a flowery headband next to it and a pair of dolly shoes in Lavender purple.

I put out a kitten top and a blue jumper with a maroon skirt and some black tights with my trainers.

"We really have different styles!" I commented.

"True, but they're both nice, that's the main thing!" Lavender responded with a sickly sweet smile.

The day of the Christmas Holidays officially came and we all met at the front of the school with our trunks.

"Hey Draco," Lavender and I said in unison.

"Hello you two! I can't wait!" He said excitedly and my heart beat fast.

"So, how much did you pack?" Lavender Asked with interest.

"Toothbrush, toothpaste, and four changes of clothes," he replied.

"WHAT?" Lavender squealed.

"Lavender packed everything but the bed!" I giggled, both at Draco's flinch to lavenders scream and the expression upon Lavender's shocked face.

"I'll bet that's heavy then," he said, pointing to the furry pink trunk.

"Very," She replied with a smile.

When we got to the Hogwarts Express, we barely stopped talking excitedly the whole journey.

"We can watch films on the Tv and we can play monopoly and we can put all our gifts under the tree and we can go singing carols and reciting!" I chattered excitedly.

The pair of them looked at me blankly.

"A Tv is like moving videos so you can watch people with no magic! Monopoly is a game and we go from door to door to sing carols and recite bible quotes," she explained.

"Oh! I can't wait!" Squealed Lavender.

"I am interested in seeing this monopoly," Draco commented.

We chattered on in this fashion until the train came to a halt.

I bounded off the train and we went to our trunks and pulled them along, me in the lead, my observant glances shooting all over the platform in search of my parents. After a minute or two, I spotted my mum waving at us all and my father with a huge smile on his face.

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