Chapter Forty- Draco's POV

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I decided to secretly conceal a letter and send it to Hermione. I hadn't been able to produce a patronus for a long time, but I'd learned from Harry how to cast one so I could deliver it to her.


I miss you so much. Divinia too of course. I hope you're not hurt and I hope you have great health. I hope you are able to find the Horcruxes. The atmosphere round here is dismal and it's not exactly pleasant having your Manor House swarming with Death Eaters. Mother even considered sending me to live with aunt Andromeda, but in the end, decided against it due to the fact that her husband, my uncle in law, Ted, is in hiding. She considered sending me to Nymphadora, but she has her new son to care for. I hope it all gets sorted soon. I meant what I said. I do have to confess, seeing as we weren't together, I did have a few one night stands but got no happiness from them. I was even forced to sleep with Pansy, who was tortured until she agreed. Anyway, I'm sure you've done the same and we can put it all past us. I promise. I love you so much and I'll certainly wait for you. You're the only one I wanna love. It's all very real. I hope one day we can be together my love,

Love from,

Your Draco xxxx

I folded the letter up and printed Hermione's name on it and sent it with my grey wolf patronus and within a few hours, I got a response.


I'm not hurt in the least, at least physically. It hurts to be away from you and I hate the distance between us but I agree that one day we shall reconcile and become as one again, loving parents to Divinia. I have had a one night stand, not with Ron, with Harry. Ron had just left us and I needed something and I guess I was just grasping at an old crush, but it was good. Don't freak out. There's a possibility that I could be pregnant. If I am, then Harry will raise it and so will you, if not, then there isn't anything to worry about. Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and I love you too. Divinia misses her Daddy. She can say Mummy now, but not Daddy yet. Thanks for reminding me I shall give Tonks my best! I love you so much Draco's and it's tearing my soul that I'm away from my one true love.

Love from Hermione,
Ever yours xxxx

I read the letter in slight panic, but with a smile of relief at the fact she was ok, and Divinia for that matter.

I missed her so much and the ache inside of me went from my toes to my head, making it pound frequently. The ache of longing for her was almost unbearable and it was slowly upsetting me more and more and the ache was continuous and the only ones who could refrain it from occurring were Hermione and Divinia. Of course, I'd secretly been in touch with my other friends, giving them information so they could stay safe. I'd been ordered to torture prisoners and force veritaserum down their throats and lock people away.

I was gentle with Luna and promised I'd save her and Ollivander and Griphook somehow. I didn't torture them, I made them feign screams.

I missed Hermione.

A/N: just a filler! Love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon xoxoxo💗💗

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