Chapter Nineteen- Hermione's POV

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I felt overwhelmed. The tournament's first round had been much more eventful than I'd first anticipated. I'd enjoyed myself and I'd kissed Harry! I hoped he hadn't disliked it but as much as I'd gotten a slight crush on Harry, possibly in my attempt to get over Draco, something didn't feel quite right.

I wasn't really sure how I felt. I guess I could describe it as... peculiar.

After Harry and Ron had made up, I grabbed my sketchbook and decided to go sketching. It was only an hour from curfew and I decided to make the most of my time.

I slipped away unnoticed and sat down next to the lake, sketching the sunset.

I drew intently and focused on the beautiful view. The way the sky had turned orange, pink and slightly yellow and it looked like a painting as the colours reflected on the sparkling lake's murky waters.

I sketched with my watercolours and shaded in the sky in my pastels.

I was about halfway through my picture, when a soft voice came behind me.

"That's good,"

I spun around and my chest clenched when I saw Draco stood there. I swallowed and said,

"Thank you. Wanna sit?"

I patted the log space beside me and he sat rather close to me.

"Can I look properly?" He asked.

I handed him my sketchbook and he flicked through the pages, exclaiming over several pictures, smiling at the ones of our memories.

He flicked some more and got to the one of our kids before I knew it. I'd drawn his view, my view and an overall view of the kiss and he touched his lips, as if fondly remembering.

Then he flicked to the pages of my depressed state and I saw the hurt flash across his face and he saw the more recent ones. My kiss with Harry, and one detailed image of him and Jessica with a jealous me there and he chuckled lightly in amusement until he got to the one of him in extreme details. He looked at it and a smile crept onto his face.

He handed it back when he got to the recent one and turned to look at me.

"I'm sorry if I rubbed it in your face about Jessica. I truly didn't intend to. I had to find a way to get over you. I don't think we are mature enough for a relationship with each other yet but I'm glad we are still friends," he told me, taking my hand.

I blushed a little and nodded.

"I accept your apology. I am sorry. I did get jealous. It's my biggest flaw besides being a klutz!" I blushed.

He let out a small laugh and stood up.

"I was reading a book the other day. A bit cruel mind with all the step sister stuff but there was a pretty girl and she danced with a prince at sunset and then till midnight when she had to leave and they broke apart but met again and lived happy ever after. I wish life were a fairy tale. I have an idea! We should dance!" He suggested.

"You read a kiddy princess book?! Muggle novels?! Oh god Draco. But yes, I'd like to dance handsome prince." I responded, standing up and taking his offered hand.

He twirled me around gently and I laughed as we rocked around. He was a surprisingly good dancer and it was easy once he begun to guide me about.

When we finished, we ended up really close to each other and we stepped forwards so our bodies were touching. My chest on his, my hands in his, our noses just about touching too.

He put his arms around me and I hugged him back, out noses lightly pressed against each other's.

All it took was for me to move. At that moment, I really wanted to kiss him. I knew I shouldn't. I just wanted to. I did.

I kissed him softly.

He was astounded but kissed me back and it got a little more passionate and he slid his tongue in my mouth, sending shivers down my spine. I was breathless. It was so overwhelming but I liked it.

"Draco... you said..." I began, but he cut me off.

He put a finger on my lips and his other hand went to my butt.

"I changed my mind. If you want. You're all I want Hermione. I just... I never know how to show my emotions. Besides, one way will be easier soon. We are almost fifteen remember. Then we only have to wait another year. The thing is, it's about when you are ready. I'll take it slow if you want me to." He whispered, looking right into my soul, so it seemed.

I hesitated for a second, considering. Did I want him? Who was I kidding? Of course. We were still young, but I knew I wanted him and we were a little older so maybe It couldn't hurt to try again.

We were mature enough, in my opinion, to handle everything. As long as we had each other.

"Yes, I'd love to date again," I replied softly.

He smiled and we kissed again and when we got back to the castle, we kissed once more and then bare each other goodnight before leaving.

I was so happy! I couldn't believe it! I got what I wanted! I was so glad to have him back!

A/N: sorry I've not updated much. Been busy what with my cat because she died and I had to dump my pathetic cheating loser of a bf so he's my ex now xx on our month anniversary too so I've been busy! Lucky I have more time to write now besides school! Love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon 💗💗

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