Chapter Eighteen- Draco's POV

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(Bit of Harmony in this chapter!)

For quite a few weeks, all through Harry getting chosen to be a Triwizard Champion and through me and my girlfriend getting closer, Hermione had grown rather distant. I didn't know why. I wanted to know why. It was like consistent ache whenever she turned from me, or replied with her terse, one worded replies that had become the norm over the weeks had progressed.

I decided to consult Lavender about all this. It was pretty hard as her and Hermione were like leeches attached practically at the hip, but I eventually caught Lavender and swirled her round a corner into a broom cupboard.

She squealed indignantly, not at all pleased at the sudden capture as we will call it.

"Draco! What the heck?" She said angrily, a little miffed.

"Sorry about that," I apologised humbly.

She saw the serious look on my face and her expression went back to normal.

"It's ok but never scare me that way again!" She replied with a laugh, now relieved to know she wasn't being kidnapped by death eaters or something.

My expression remained serious.

"I needed to speak with you. Have you any idea why Hermione has been off lately? She's seemed to be more distant and everything and I don't really know what I did, but as soon as I got onto the train, it seemed everything went downhill with us!" I asked her, totally puzzled.

She surveyed me with her blue-violet eyes and looked at me with an amused expression.

"So you noticed? Well. As it happens, I do know. Jess is nice and all, but you've been flaunting her right in front of your ex's eyes and don't you think that hurts her? Seriously Draco! You don't know? She still loves you. She's been distancing herself so she doesn't get hurt and so she doesn't fall for you too hard and so she doesn't get in the way of you and Jess. I can't believe this!" She was totally appalled that I was so oblivious to everything that had taken place right under my nose.

I looked down at the small blonde before me and my expression cleared and I had a moment where everything made sense.

"She still loves me?" I said, totally shocked.

Of course! Every time Jess was there, and after she had left, she was always super distant and she seemed constantly miserable. I'd noticed her spending more time round Harry so I'd assumed there may have been something going on there but then I thought about how she may just be matching onto him for support rather than true love which is what she thought we had.

The truth was... I did like her, but I felt we couldn't handle a relationship just yet. We simply weren't mature enough.

"Of course!" She responded, snapping me out of my thoughts momentarily.

"I have to fix all this somehow. I agree. Jess is nice but she's not 'Mione, and anyways, the reason I've held back is because I don't think we are mature enough to have a proper relationship," I said, voicing my thoughts for Lavender.

"Thank goodness! Now, it's not long until the Triwizard Tournament's first round begins! So... you have to go see her! She'll be helping Harry I'll expect." Lavender said with a relieved chuckle, slightly exasperated beneath her cheery exterior. I knew her too well!

I went off in search of Hermione and I stumbled across her walking inside of the Champion tent. I observed her through the tent flaps and was shocked when she threw her arms around Harry with a scared moan- squeal sound. He almost got knocked off of his usually agile, sturdy feet, but he managed to recover and regain and recover his balance. They looked at each other and I thought it was heat of the moment, but they shared a slow, soft, short, sweet little kiss.

I saw them looking at each other then looking a little awkward.

I couldn't explain the strange feeling when they locked lips. I couldn't bear it. That used to be MY Gryffindor princess! I was reeling from the shock when Hermione left the tent and cane out looking all flushed and girly.

I decided to sit near her in the stands, but instead she moved to by Lavender's other side and she kept her eyes on the competition, barely removing her glance from the same spot, until Harry came up. She cheered for him and for a long time, he disappeared and it hurt me to see her getting so frantic and riled up about it and Lavender saw this in my eyes, and scooter so I could put my arms around her and silently console her. She flinched at first and jumped at my gesture and touch, but she eventually warmed to it and allowed me to remain wrapped around her and I held her warm and safe until Harry swooped back into view.

She squealed in delight and I cheered beside her for moral support. I happily supported Harry and Hermione.

Lavender shot me a grin and I smirked back at her, my arm still around Hermione.

I knew at that moment, I had to get rid of Jess. She was lovely, but she wasn't really what I wanted. She was too over besotted, too clingy, too perfect all the time for my liking and not in a good way. Otherwise, she was a very nice girl and I knew breaking hearts was bad, but it had to be done as my heart wasn't in it any longer and I couldn't keep up the façade and it was not only low and unfair, but also dishonest and cruel and untrue to my own heart and my emotions betrayed themselves every time Hermione was there as I realised she was who I wanted. I didn't know when we should be ready for a relationship, but I wanted to build up on it first before springing anything upon her and I wanted it to be meaningful, and I wanted it to be perfect. I didn't know how long it would take but though I was Young, I knew I would wait a lifetime for that little Gryffindor!

A/N: I usually post so often on here I can't tell you! I've just been so busy! I'm so very sorry that I've not been as active as usual! Here is the next update! Hope you liked it and thx for all the reads in I need you to survive! Love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon xoxoxoxo💗💗

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