Reminiscence 7 - "The Jasmine Hairpin"

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Yan Zhi thought of herself as patience. Yes, she had been a patient person throughout her life. With her family and even her subordinates, she had shown great restraint, even when they had been selfish, cold, and ruthless. In the mortal realms, she had been patient when dealing with unruly customers or perverts. She had shown restraint when her brothers had harmed each other, while doing all she could to subdue the damage as a bystander. She found virtue and control when she was able to hold back her negative emotions and clear her head of negative thoughts. Rage did not solve anything, as she had learned from observing her father, who had been an angry hostile man, only sometimes calmed by her presence.

Despite being raised as the Warrior Princess of the Ghost Tribe, and personally killing thousands of immortals under her name, she had never felt rage during a kill. Adrenaline, yes, accomplishment, yes... but never anger. That emotion she found unsettling, and a weakness against opponents who did not thrive on emotions themselves. And in the years of fighting to protect herself and Qiao Er, she had found that detachment from one's kill was beneficial to one's ability to discern an opponent's next move. Remaining calm in the most dangerous situations had helped her to survive.

Today, however, she felt her Ghost blood burn in her veins - blood fueled by bloodlust and warrior's glory. Yan Zhi was ready to harm due to furious rage: today was the day she wanted to take a life. Like a thin silk thread that could no longer withstand the pressure or the lid on a teapot whose contents boiled over - her patience had run out.

And all this uncontrollable fury was because of one man.

The man who continued to play games with her emotions, seduce her heart, tease her body. The man who kept his mischievous smile, even when she held her blade against his throat on many occasions.

Whatever she did... he was never deterred.

For days he had been relentless. No matter how much she fought with him, he still persisted. The stubborn unforgivable man, who continued to haunt her dreams since the day he had made his intentions known, ignoring all propriety of a respectable Disciple of Kunlun. He was indeed not the man she'd known. He taunted, teased, bargained, and challenged her... no longer the noble reserved hero from before. He had not been toying with her when he had said he would no longer play the hero of her dreams.

Yet, he didn't go further when she stood her ground. Had he pushed her further, she may not have been able to resist him, but no matter how much of a rogue he had become, he would not cross the line. Yes, his tactics changed without warning daily. She could never anticipate his next move. One day he'd be flirtatious, playing the gentleman catering to her needs. The next day he'd attacked her, using the excuse of improving each other's martial arts. But worst of all, every day he'd remain the perfect father figure for Qiao Er. They had bonded since he had come to the mortal realms to protect them, and that bond had grown ever since. Many times, had she wanted to put an end to it, but how could she when Qiao Er idolized her En Gong so much?

Today, he had been outrageous again. Yan Zhi had just finished tending to Qiao Er's hair before sending her to her morning lessons, when Zi Lan had entered their room unannounced. He had stood behind her while chatting cheerfully with Qiao Er.

"En Gong, what do you have in your hand?" Qiao Er asked enthusiastically and with anticipation.

Zi Lan smiled and opened the silk handkerchief he had in his hand. He kneeled down to her level. "I went to mortal realms to have this specially made for you." He pulled out a small hairpin with a single white jasmine flower design.

"Jasmine! Mom's favorite...thank you En Gong!" She gave him a tight hug.

Zi Lan then placed the small hairpin on Qiao Er's head, the happy child falling for him even more. Yan Zhi could only watch, baffled...defeated.

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