Reminiscence 17 - "Their Eternal Vows"

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During the dark ages when the world was freshly formed, cultivation was new and there were no controls or limits. There were no records either, no masters to teach anyone, not even the High Gods. Stabilizing cultivation was a balancing act established through trial and error and if one was not careful, it could easily lead to catastrophic results. It took millennia and thousands of innocents dying at the hands of those who had lost control over their powers for enough knowledge to be gathered, rules to be set, and records to be put in place.

The Lost Devil Tower was created in those times, at the furthest edge of the realm, when borders had been stabilized after countless battles. It was an asylum, a prison for those who took extreme measures to gain powers and failed to control them. There were many stories of immortals, some even highly respected among their people, who succumbed to the lure of immense powers and turned to dark methods. These immortals were left a shell of their former selves after their primitive demonic side took over. They lost their control, their sanity...but worst of all, their memories. Their first victims, horrifically, were often their loved ones who were nearby when they reached the point of no return.

Many who lost their lucidity were instantly killed. But there were those who were deemed too dangerous to kill. They were the ones who were close to reaching High God powers. Although these Demon Immortals were no longer sane, their powers lay within their unstable bodies. They could burst forth at any moment, and their death would surely trigger their harnessed energies. The consequence of such a release of energy was too dangerous to even ponder. Lost Devil Tower was created to seal these unfortunate creatures. Thus, it became the most dangerous place in the Demon Realm - for within it rested hundreds of precarious energy bombs.

After the Demon Overlord burnt to ashes, Lost Devil Tower was left unattended for millennia. Throughout time, it became a legend, a myth, worse...most forgot about the dangers it held. The Yellow Demon King had chosen the perfect place to hide his hostage, because no sensible person would dare to venture into the Tower without reinforcement, without knowledge of the layout, nor the danger it held. Fortunately for them, the Yellow Demon Princess had given them sufficient information.

Each prisoner was held within their own sealed dome, tethered by energy straps on their ankles and wrists. The cord absorbed their cultivation power, and the more force the prisoner exerted on their contraptions, the more they were held back by their own powers. A perfect mechanism to seal these powerful Immortals with near High God powers.

According to the Yellow Demon Princess, Qiao Er was held underneath the Tower, a most inconspicuous yet secured location. Breaking the seal of the dome would require high cultivation release, at least four times the cultivation powers of the prisoner held within the dome. Luckily for them, Qiao Er was young and most of her powers were still dormant. But still, they only had one chance to succeed as the break of the seal would most likely alert the Demon King to their presence.

Yan Zhi had her hands pressed against the sealed wall, suppressing her emotions to remain focused. She gazed at Qiao Er, who was asleep within the dome. Her hands and feet were tethered to the white energy, absorbing her powers. General Yu and General Zhao stood on the other side of the dome, ready for action.

"We only have one chance. Once the seal is released, take her and run," Yan Zhi instructed Xiu Tao. Their cultivation would be damaged momentarily, but they were surrounded by her warriors, ready to battle at a moment's notice in case Cheng Yin showed up. It was a dangerous gamble.

"Yes, Your Highness," Xiu Tao answered and stood back cautiously.

Glancing at her Generals on either side, she signaled for them to start. The two Generals would use their powers to release the seal as planned. They would be vulnerable after the act according to General Yu, who claimed familiarity with this type of shield, so it was better for her to be their backup once the Princess was released.

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