Mirror Image

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She was watching the clock tick like a metronome. Seeming to spend an eternity to pull its hand around the loop.

"I feel like I'll never get out of here." The girl muttered to herself, tearing her gaze away from the clock to observe herself in the full length mirror. She ran her hands over the curves of her body, the parts she felt lacked flavor and the ones she felt were too large for the rest of her body. She pinched the excess skin with a painful look and a painful tension building in her chest. Just from looking at her body, she pictured everything she wanted to change and exactly how she would do it, and how she would look after she did. That thought seemed to soothe her for just a second, before sending her spiraling on guilt and fear. Knowing that changes that drastic would never be possible, and just knowing that she'd be stuck in this body forever was an ever dawning fear, she knew she would never get out.

It wasn't for a lack of beauty, she didn't lack. She had excess, and she hated it, while others may not have understood, she knew that happiness of this form was impossible. A conformity in the skin she would have to live in for the rest of her life, was not an eternal possibility for her. She thought back to the days when she woke up, happy and proud of her shell, and days like this when just looking in a mirror drew her to tears.

She pulled on a thick coat, baggy pants, and despite knowing she looked worse in that state, she went out.

She knew no clothes would make her feel better, only worse. Showcasing the worst of what she tried to hide.

She wasn't a regular for taking off her coat in public places, no matter how cute the shirt was beneath it.

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