Kinda Like Pandora's Box

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It was my least favorite part of going to work.

See, I was a guard, but not the kind you'd think.

A dark metal box sat on a table, a low snarling coming toward me.

"Come on~~" the growling voice swarms the room, my nose twitches, observing the motionless box.

"You have to let me out sooner or later, we both know that, might as well do it now. I might spare you..." A tempting offer, I pretend to consider it, knowing it can't see me making mocking faces.

"I know you're mocking me." Or maybe it can....

"Be quiet."

"Now why would I do that, I enjoy these little talks of ours.." A slithering voice, I can almost feel it crawling over my skin, I shake my hands at the thought.

"I don't"

"Because you're boring"

"Maybe, but that's okay."

"You're world is boring."

"Yours isn't?" I raise a curious brow, standing up straight. This conversation, or variations of it are a daily routine.

"No, it's quite the party here in the mundane world. I'd let you have a sneak peak but you're such a square.." the usual taunts.

"I'm just fine being square. Square shoulders are attractive.."

"What a jokester...but really cutie. Don't you ever wonder what it's like? I mean you watch over this stupid steel box day after day, talking to the thing held inside it and you never get curious of what's on the other side? Not even a little?"

"Not really."

"You don't wonder what it's like to have romance and thrills again? To feel something other than bland and boring?"

"I can make jokes, you said so yourself. So it's not all bland and boring." This conversation is taking a new twist, and I don't know how to respond.

"Or maybe what it's like to hold someone in your arms again and want to say 'I love you' and actually mean it? Not just as an obligation. Maybe a lover, or a child, or your parents even. When was the last time you were even hugged?"

"...I don't know..."

"Exactly, your world is empty, loveless, boring, and sad."

"Better than with the possibility of corruption."

"Too late for that."

"What do you mean?" We locked it up to save our world from the corruption and destruction it had brought to us, things are peaceful now.

"Your world is full of empty shells, they can't even be called people anymore. The other guards won't even speak to me, you're the closest thing to normal I've seen in years. Isn't that corruption?"

"No, not like how it was before."

"You're stubborn, I'll give you that. But you don't even sound sure of yourself anymore."

"Because I'm not." Oh no, I shouldn't have said that. I was warned that it would use my weaknesses against me, I was naive.

"I knew it! Come on mister guard, just open up a little, I can show you what you're missing out on and if you don't like it I'll leave you alone for good, how's that?" I know I should say no, but I don't.

"Fine." I grab the keys from my belt loop, slip them into the keyhole and turn without hesitation.

The box explodes, it obliterates before me and blows to pieces. Shit.

"You are such a good boy..." It hovers above me, a terrifying creature dressed in godly robes and precious jewels. The trophies of the greedy and selfish, all the things we had renounced to. A crown of hearts hovering over its head like a cartoon, of hearts, but not the cartoon kind. Real, red, vibrant, pulsing, human hearts above its head, the flowing dark hair like a cape, integrated into the fabric of it's clothes. Clear blind eyes wide open, and a cocky smirk atop rosy lips, pale skin that has clearly not seen sun in ages shines at me, happily. It's bare feet touch the table and it steps off, and a once tall figure now small and petite before me, the crown at closer view.

"Haltev, incarnation of all humanly emotions, devotions, and actions, pleased to make your acquaintance"

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