I Get High

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I don't get high like other people, I don't get high off drugs or weed, or buzzed on alcohol. I get high on the possibilities of the things to come, the good and the bad. Sometimes I make myself cry, or laugh or smile, I try to keep most of it positive, I really do. But sometimes it's hard, and even though I know that eventually things could work out, and maybe I won't die, I'm not sure how I'll even make it through another day. Not because the day itself has been bad, but because I am. Because I only see what I don't have or how bad things are and no matter how hard I try to be positive I can't. Nothing in my life is rainbows and roses, not even little ugly weed plants. So I try to image how things would be if they could be how I wanted them to be, successful, happy, pretty, content. Everything that I can only achieve now in short bursts of enjoyment. Rare and momentarily good, but they're gone just like that. I wish I could have more, and keep that happiness longer. Even if nothing worked out, I could at least be able to say that I remained positive, always looked forward throughout all of it. Even if it's not true, not even a little bit.

I get high on daydreams.

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