Yoda's Suspicions.

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"Sense a powerful presence in the force I do" the small Jedi Master concluded as he looked up at his fellow Master.

"I have felt it too. Some one near is strong with the force. It is nearly as strong as master Skywalker's force attraction." Mace Windu agreed before looking over his shoulder at Obi-Wan.

"I will ask around, and hope our suspicions are not just suspicions..." Master Windu looked down at his superior.

"In the meantime, visit Senator Amidala I will, with child she is. Said my congratulations, I have not. For all the help she has given to Jedi over the years, it is only right." Yoda bowed his head, letting Master Windu know he was dismissed, who turned on his heels and strolled up to Obi-Wan.


"3P0, hand me the blankets would you?"

"Why certainly, Mistress Padme" the droid replied as he walked out of the room and returned a few moments later with a stack of covers in his metal arms.

Ever since she had returned from her x-ray with the news that she had twins, Padme had busied herself in making up the nursery. Of course Anikin had been absolutely thrilled but she just wanted to have these babies now. Well into her third trimester, Padme just wanted to get this over and done with!

"Thank you 3P0..." She smiled as she tucked the blankets into the second crib and playfully tossed a soft toy on top.

Finally, she was done with the children's room so she put up and stretched her arms above her head. She could have just walked out to her sofa and fallen asleep, but Master Yoda had asked to see her that afternoon.

Walking out into her living room, Padme watched the ships and speeders wizz past her balcony. Then she heard her doorbell.

"Come in" she walked back up to greet Master Yoda who had just walked in.

The little green Jedi limped in with his walking stick with a smile on his face, pleased to see the Senator again. Suddenly he stopped... He felt a strong pull of the force. He looked around sharply, looking for anyone else in the room. Then the Master realized, that the pull was coming from Senator Amidala.

"Is everything ok Master Yoda?" She asked when she saw his smile quickly turn into uneasiness. Not wanting to worry the Senator of Naboo, he continued to limp in and dismissed his thoughts about the force pull.

"Here, I am to congratulate you on your new family to be" he croaked.

Padme knew that the war had only just ended and the Jedi were finally fitting back into their peaceful stature. That would explain on why Master Yoda had taken so long to speak with her. She had expected it though, she had worked alongside the Jedi with their missions and amongst the Jedi Council, she was respected.

"Thank you." She replied sweetly.

"Heard ,going to Naboo, you were" he inquired. The Senator had expressed her hopes to return to her planet of birth to have her own children, away from the busy life on the Republic home planet. Anikin had tried to entice his former Master into letting him have some free time for at least a few weeks. He claimed that he wanted a meditation trip, but Obi-Wan said no because all the Jedi and the clones were coming back from the front lines and they needed to be given a new position. With Anikin not able to fly away with her to Naboo, Padme decided that her apartment wasn't really that bad... At least Ani could see his children on a regular basis, even if it was in secret.

"I cancelled it... I thought that if my children can experience this planet firsthand, they will adjust to it better" she tried to find a suitable explaination, but that would have to do.

Pamde proceeded to ask the Master Jedi about the tasks the clones would be given now that the war against the separatists was over. It wasn't that long before Master Yoda left.

He left party because he was due to meet with the council in a few hours and partly because he had determined the cause behind the strong force pull...


When all the council members were ready, including the young Jedi Anikin, Yoda told them to take their seats. It had been absolutely ages since every member had physically been there, during the war, many had to appear as holograms and call in from the frontline.

"This meeting is to discuss the disturbance in the force... There is a strong force presence near us... We all sense it." Mace Windu looked around at every Jedi that sat in the room.

"The answer to that, I believe I have" all eyes were on Yoda now, he could tell they were uneasy.

"The children of the young Senator Amidala, the cause is" the Jedi round him broke out into whispered conversions, all coming up with their own explainations as to the reason behind this.

"You mean the force flows through both of the infants?" Obi-Wan piped up, silencing the others with his question, directed at Yoda.

"Believe this, I do" he nodded.

"That can mean only one thing... The father is either a Jedi... Or a sith..." Again, the council broke into conversations.

Anikin just looked around and tried to use his own force abilities to sense if they suspected him. When he came to the conclusion that they did not, he put up a mental barrier over his feelings, making him seem blank and hide his guiltiness. Anikin may have been strong with the force, but Yoda was wiser with the force, and so, he knew as soon as the barrier was up, that Anikin was hiding something.

"Master Yoda, if Senator Amidala tells us who the father is, then we can determine whether or not it was a Jedi of in fact a Sith. This could just be a coincidence" Jedi Master Plo Koon interrupted the hushed talking.

"Agree, I do"

With that, they were all dismissed. All that is, except for Mace Windu, Master Yoda and Obi-Wan.

"Suspicions, I have, of young Master Anikin"

"I sense it too, Master, he is hiding something... Perhaps he knows who the father is..." Obi-Wan knew full well that Anikin was involved somehow, he was his closest friend and he knew that the Senator and him were close. For the past few years, he had just dismissed it, but know, he was concerned.

"Talk to him, you will, Obi-Wan. Find the father, we must. Take with you young Padawan Tano."

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