Graduation and Integration.

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"Skyguy! I've passed!" Ahsoka came running up wrapped her arms around her ,now former, Master.

"Really? That's amazing!" Anikin lifted her up and spun her around.

"You sound surprised!" She chuckled as he put her down.

"Nope, it's just that now I don't have to put up with you anymore!" He joked.

Luke and Leia came running round the corner and hugged Ahsoka. They were nearly eight years old now and they considered Ahsoka to be their older sister. Ahsoka would help the twins with their homework and she would help Leia do her hair. During her trials, she heard some of the Jedi Council members talking about the twins...

"We've been summoned to the Council room this afternoon, apparently it shouldn't take long. Wanna come, Master Tano?" Anikin would never properly get used to that...


"Decided, we have, on the future of the twins." Master Yoda sat infront of the three Skywalkers.

"Your Padawans, both shall be," he pointed to Anikin, who broke out into a delightful smile.

This was unheard of , taking two Padawans at a time, at this young age. Luke and Leia threw their fists up into the air in celebration, before they realised they were still in the council chambers, surrounded by the Jedi Council members.

"Your children are extremely strong with the force, the only one that outmatches their force ability is you. It is this council's decision that you train them as they have already bested everyone in their youngling class." Mace Windu seemed to be comfortable now with the idea of families of Jedi, though it had taken him eight years to do so.

Anikin placed his hands in the children's heads and ruffled their heads, making them giggle. Well, they were his children, of course they were skilled.

"That will be all, Master Skywalker."


They left the council room and found Ahsoka waiting for them.

"That's wonderful! And kind of funny... I've just finished my Padawan training, and you have only just started..." Ahsoka looked to the belts of the children and saw that they still had their practice lightsabers that were given to them by the youngling teachers.

"So... When do you want to create your own lightsabers?"

The twins looked at each other in shock and excitement before they started to jump up and down.


"Now, stay close to me and Ahsoka!" He called over the billowing of the cold wind.

They came out of the ship, wrapped up in warm in coats. Ahsoka had her brown, furry cloak over her horns and was holding hands with Leia, leading her towards the crystal cave.

When Anikin came in sight of the cliff face, he turned to the other three with him, "extend your use of the force and open the door!"

Luke and Leia were more than eager to please their Father so they extended their hands and brought down the large rocks that covered the cave entrance down.

Traveling through the snow, they came into the crystal cave. Anikin and Ahsoka sat down in the middle, while Luke and Leia marveled at the huge stone statues of Jedi Knights that surrounded the temple. When they finally looked back at their father and their 'sister', they had already begun to use the force to open the ceiling hatch and let the sun pour in.

"Now, when I let the crystal up there move around," he pointed to the contraption that hung from the top, a sparkling glint showing a gem in the middle, "that door of ice will melt. You must go in and find your kieber crystal. Make sure it is yours. But, as soon as you enter, the door will start to freeze over. If you are stuck on the other side, you must stay there one rotation." Anikin warned his dear children.

Ahsoka lifted her hand and the ceiling crystal turned round, the light shone down on the door of ice. Instantly, it started to buckle, and broke apart. The pieces fell to the ground and became water, washing down to the foot of the temple, draining away under the island Anikin and Ahsoka stood on. The twins looked at one another, smiled, and ran into the cave.

Once the twins were out of earshot, Ahsoka turned to her former Master.

"What happened to you when you came to get your crystal?"

Anikin smirked and tried to think of a decent excuse, "Wasn't interesting. Went in, found my crystal, got out."

Ahsoka could tell that he was lying so she punched him on the arm, "What actually happened?" She crossed her arms and pouted.

"Ok, ok, so I may have been a bit late and got trapped inside." He huffed and crossed his own arms.

"And...? What did you do?" She raised a knowing eyebrow, obviously Anikin was hiding something.

"I kinda used the force to break the entire ice wall and then melt it in the air before splashing it over Obi-Wan..." Anikin couldn't keep in his laugh, and neither could Ahsoka.

"When we went outside, the snow stuck to his wet beard and me and my fellow Padawans wouldn't stop laughing... That may or may not have been why Obi-Wan told me to study the rest of the week..."


"Luke?" The twin looked into the gloom, hoping the shadow she had seen was her brother.

The two had separated in an attempt to find their crystals faster. Leia was now lost and all she could see was the dark and the ice. She wished her brother was there with her, they were much better as a team.

She entered into a large clearing and she saw more exits surrounding her. She heard a whistle or a high pitched cry. Her head moved fast in trying to find the source of the noise. Then, she looked up and saw the glowing of her crystal. Easy, she thought, preparing to force jump up into the air.

Before she could, shadows moved in the tunnels that circled her. Leia looked around, and saw dark figures approaching her, ready to fight. There's too many! I can't fight them all alone! She needed Luke! Nevertheless, she raised her own fists, ready to fight as well.


Luke heard his crystal call to him through a small hole in the floor. He had finally squeezed through the gap and came out into the hidden cave. Where was it? Where was his crystal?

He turned back to the opening, trying to see if he had missed anything. When he turned back, a black hooded figure stood in his way. Luke strained to see his eyes, bet there was only a blank face.

The figure ignited a blood red lightsaber and held it up, ready to strike. This must be a sith! Luke raised his own hands in defense and realized he was holding a lightsaber as well. How did that get there? The question didn't bother Luke that long as he countered the swipe of the red saber.

Luke lunged at the figure and used the lightsaber in his hand to cut clean through the south's neck. The faceless head parted from the hood and rolled on the floor, finally resting at Link's foot.

Suddenly, the faceless head started to bubble and twist itself into something different. Hair sprouted from its head in a soft blonde colour and features appeared. Suddenly, Luke was looking down at his own head.

After Luke had realised that this was his test, the body, the head and his lightsaber vanished, leaving him in an empty cave. Almost empty. Luke saw the glowing crystal infront of him. With his crystal secure in his fist, Luke emerged from the hole and ran back the way he came.


Leia dodged another fist as she rammed her elbow into her opponent. The shadow figure reclined and clutched at it's chest where she had struck. With her fingers curled up, she lunged forward and hit the jaw of the last figure with her flat palm. The figure fell.

Leia relaxed and looked around at the carnage she had made. All of the shadow figures were sprawled on the floor. Woah, she had defeated all of them? The doubt didn't last. Of course she had defeated them! Leia smirked and put her hands on her hips, she didn't need any help in the first place.

With that thought, all the figures vanished. It finally snapped, that was her test. Leia smiled up at her crystal. She jumped up and took the small gem in her hand and held it close. She let the force guide her to the right exit.

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