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Yoda had been surprised to say the least when both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka came back with no more information. He did however sense that they were now hiding something. Perhaps Anikin had told them and they were now hiding the secret as well. They were his friends after all.

Instead of Anikin and his hard force barrier around him that Master Yoda could only guess to understand, he was now standing in front of two Jedi that weren't as strong. As they talked, Yoda probed their minds, wanting an answer. Their thoughts confirmed his theory, that Anikin knew something. But then he probed deeper, and he found the answer he was looking for...


Every council member had been summoned, except for Obi-Wan and Anikin. They all waited for Yoda to speak, as it was very unusual for him to ask that they conduct themselves in secretary to the council chamber without two of its members.

"Wondering, you are, on why I summoned you?" Master Yoda finally spoke. Everyone nodded and waited for him to speak again.

"Believe, I do, the father of Senator Amidala's children, Skywalker is." The council room burst out in conversation and debates.

Some didn't want Anikin to be expelled, they thought that he was too powerful a Jedi to just be cast out. Others were older, and held true to the Jedi code, and they wanted him out.

"If this is the case, young Skywalker must be expelled, the code is law among Jedi." Mace Windu's expression had not changed when the news had been told. In truth, he didn't trust Anikin, and he felt it was right to throw him out.

"Unjust, I believe this to be... On trial, Skywalker should be..."

"Master Yoda is right, if this council can't come to a complete and total agreement on his fate, Master Skywalker has the right to plead his case to the entire Council and the jury." Kit Fisto stood up and tried to defend the young Jedi he knew.

"Summon Skywalker and Kenobi as well as Padawan Tano" Master Yoda looked to Master Windu.

Master Windu turned on his com and asked the three Jedi to make their way to the council room.


Obi-Wan, Anikin and Ahsoka took their time as they walked down the corridors of the Jedi Temple. They had both been summoned to the council chamber together. And that could mean only one thing... The council had found out Anikin's secret and now they were all going to pay the price...

The doors opened and they all stepped in, taking their place in the middle of the room. All the whispered conversions stopped when they arrived, apprehensive as to what was about to unfold.

"Skywalker, what is your connection to Senator Amidala's infants?" Mace Windu didn't just break the ice, he smashed it up into little pieces. Anikin couldn't speak, what could he say? He felt all the Jedi around him except for Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were trying to get in his head.

"I do not understand, Master?" He tried to sound calm but he knew that there was a hint of fear in his voice.

"This Council believes that you are the father. Is this true?" Master Windu's face was stern and cold.

Anikin looked around at his fellow Jedi. Some glared at him, others pitied him and others smiled at him empathetically. Ahsoka felt her Master's discomfort so she walked closer to him so he could see her weak smile.

"Yes... Master..." He looked down at the floor and waited for Master Yoda to expell him. But that didn't come.

"Congratulations, Master Skywalker, you are not going to be expelled just yet. This council has granted you the right to plead at a trial held by us all." Shaak Ti surprised Anikin. He had not been expecting that...

"Trial?" He asked, obliviously confused.

"This council was divided when it came to your fate. Therefore, you have the right to plea in our court as to a solution to this problem." Saesee Tiin spoke up.

The council was soon dismissed. Those who were on Anikin's side, stayed behind to congratulate him and those who weren't, just left without a word.

One by one, the other Jedi left, leaving Anikin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Shaak Ti alone. When the others left, Shaak Ti sighed and let a tear roll down her check. This was a surprise to say the least to the others in the room. She had been so calm during the meeting, what had brought this up?

"Master Ti, what's wrong?" Obi-Wan crossed the distance between them and put his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

"I hope you win your trial Master Skywalker. I will help in any way I can." Her voice was sort of shaky.

"May I ask why?" Ahsoka stepped in, sensing a mix of emotions coming from the Jedi Master.

Shaak Ti stared at Ahsoka, unsure of her answer.

"Let's just say, I have a personal reason..." And with that, she too, left.

The others looked at each other, confused as to her reply.

"Maybe I'm not the only Jedi that has broken the code concerning attachments..." Anikin mused, chuckling to himself at the prospect of having an ally amongst the council.

"Come on Skyguy, we need to talk to Padme about this! Besides, I haven't seen her recently." Ahsoka pulled Anikin out of the room, and gestured to Obi-Wan to follow.


Ahsoka and Padme embraced each other, over the years, Padme had felt like an older sister to Ahsoka. She wasn't so much of a mother figure, as she too wanted to create trouble like she did.

Obi-Wan and Anikin walked into the room. Obi-Wan sat down on the sofa and Anikin walked over to the kitchen to make drinks. When they pulled apart, Ahsoka sat down next to Obi-Wan and Padme sat opposite them. Now they just had to tell her about the trial...

"What brings you all here? Not that I'm complaining for the company." She smiled at the Jedi in front of her. Then it was replaced by fear as she studied the expressions that both of them held. They looked scared...

"I'm being put on trial because they found out that I am the father... If the trial swings in my direction, who knows what will happen, if they don't, I will be expelled from the Jedi Order..." Anikin came back into the room with the drinks, handing one to each person, his face glum. He sat down next to his wife.

"Oh no... Well... Do you at least know what you are going to say or do?" Padme held back tears. She lived Anikin so much, and he lived being a Jedi, she didn't want him to have to go without it.

"Master Shaak Ti offered to help us..." Ahsoka started. She was still curious as to her 'personal reason' that meant she wanted to help.

"She said she wanted Anikin to win his trial because of her own personal reason..." Obi-Wan finished.

"Well, that's a start. I'm a Senator, the one thing I do best is argue back with people, and that usually works best when you have all the information." Padme chuckled, as her husband put a hand on her shoulder in thanks.

"Tomorrow I will contact Master Ti and ask her for help, we are going to need as much as we can get!"

The rest of the evening was spent forming the basis of Anikin's arguement in the Jedi court. They made sure that he was prepared and that his points were valid before any of them went to bed that night.

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