Secrets and Hopes.

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Shaak Ti and Ahsoka talked all night long. Everyone was shocked to find out that Jedi Master Shaak Ti was Ahsoka's mother.

"When I had you, I took you back to our home planet and gave you to my sister hoping she could give you a peaceful life. Then I found out a tugruta named Ahsoka had arrived at the temple... I said nothing..."

Ahsoka had always wanted to know what it was like to have a mother and it turns out that as she grew up in the temple, Shaak Ti had looked out for her. She had monitored her throughout her years in the youngling training. She had even been the one to recommend she be given a powerfull Jedi as her Master. Anikin Skywalker was the best they could give her.


"Too long have the Jedi been this way," Master Yoda stood in the middle of the courtyard, surrounded by what seemed like the entire Jedi order.

"Change, we must. Curtain rules I have revoked." Many of the Jedi started to cheer and clap.

"The Jedi will no longer be bound by these ancient rules that dictate no attachments!" Most of the Jedi clapped while some cheered.

Shaak Ti held Ahsoka close and Obi-Wan turned to his former Padawan.

"I'm proud of you my Padawan," he smiled broadly, "you've managed to change the Jedi order, which has stayed the same for thousands upon thousands of years!"


"Get Anikin here NOW!" Padme yelled at the medical droid that was trying to secure the Senator on the medical bed.

C-3P0 moved out of the room and activated the com in his hand. His creator answered and he relayed his Mistress' state.

"WHAT?!" He shouted down his com.

Obi-Wan stared at Anikin and studied him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Padme's in labour!" Anikin started to cut through the crowd, closely followed by Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.


Obi-Wan and Ahsoka had been waiting outside of the medical chamber for hours now. Anikin was allowed inside to comfort his wife. By this time, it was late at night and all they could do was sit in silence.

The door opened and the medical stepped out and looked at the Jedi.

"You may come in now"

Both of them leapt up from their seats and bounded into the room. Senator Amidala was sat upright on her bed holding a little baby girl. And then there was Anikin, next to her, holding a small baby boy. Both of them couldn't stop smiling down at their sleeping children.

"Awwwwwwwww! They're so cute!" Ahsoka came closer and looked down at the girl.

"Named them yet?" Obi-Wan stood next to his dear friend.

"This is Luke," he said, hugging closer to his little boy, "and that is Leia." He gestured to his daughter.

"How long untill you can be released from here?" Ahsoka looked up to Padme.

"Why snips? Are you so eager to start babysitting?" Anikin smirked, and his wife giggled at the glare Ahsoka gave him.

"I should be be out in a few days, untill then, tell me everything about Yoda's announcement!"


News had reached the Jedi Council of the birth of Luke and Leia. Yoda himself, gave Anikin permission to have the next few months off to spend with his new family.

Obi-Wan and Ahsoka visited Anikin every other week to make sure he was coping well with fatherhood. It turns out, he was an excellent parent! He loved spending time with the twins! Anikin felt more at peace with himself than ever before!

Padme had contacted her parents on Naboo and they were very excited to see their grandchildren. She had even told Anikin to contact his step brother back on Tatooine. Fortunately, there was a cargo ship leaving the planet that week and they knew the owner. Anikin had promised to either give them a ship to get home, or they could stay in another apartment. They agreed to stay.

Padme's parents, Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie arrived along with Padme's sister Sola and her nieces, Ryoo and Pooja. It was rather a surprise to her family that she was married to a Jedi, but when they saw Anikin Skywalker, they immediately recognised him as the young Padawan that protected her. Sola kept giving her sister an I-told-you-so look because the last time she saw Anikin, saw told Padme that he liked her. Now they were married with two children. Her parents asked Anikin questions as if he were under interrogation.

Owen and Beru Lars arrived later that week, stunned at the huge city that was Corosant. Anikin was still not that familiar with his step brother, but with his children, he wanted to make sure that they all got to know each other. Owen and Anikin still felt bad for the loss of Shmi Skywalker, but they knew that together, they could band together.

Anikin was quite overwhelmed with his new large family, but now he didn't have to hide his relationship, he could finally feel everything that everyone got to feel. Luke and Leia were still so young but he knew that they would live a long and eventful life, surrounded by family.

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