Lightsabers and Blasters.

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Master Yoda smiled as he entered the training room. All three of the Skywalkers were sat down cross-legged in a triangle. In the middle of them, there was an assortment of small cogs and metal cases.

"Now," Anikin spoke softly, his children listening intently, "use the force to build your perfect lightsaber. Not just what you want it to look like, but how you want it to feel..."

He trailed off, closing his eyes in concentration as his own lightsaber clicked out of his belt and hung in midair. The twins looked at each other before looking back. Slowly, the floating saber started to detach itself, all the parts that made it up, pulling away and floating in midair. The Padawans gasped and Yoda's eyebrows raised, he was impressed.

"Each part of your lightsaber is important. You will know where everything goes. Trust in the force and it will trust in you" with that, the pieces of his lightsaber fitted back together and it floated back to his belt, "Now, your turn." He opened his eyes to smirk at the twins excitement.

They looked at each other before raising their hands and closing their eyes. The pieces in front of them started to dance around them. Anikin got up and walked over to Master Yoda.

They watched as Luke formed his saber into one that looked a lot like Obi-Wan's. It didn't take long for his to finish and plop into his hands, he jumped up and fist pumped the air. He ignited it and it glowed a bright green.

Leia's saber took a bit longer as it was a complex design. Her handle was curved, almost as though she was holding a blaster. The casing was beautiful, a shiny platinum that was laden with intricate swirling patterns. Anikin rolled his eyes as he saw her lightsaber forming, of course she would have an over the top weapon. When it was done, she also got up and ignited it. It was a elegant yellow, just like Ahsoka's second blade.

The rest of that afternoon, Luke, Leia and Anikin dueled each other. They had used the practice lightsabers during their youngling training, but they were ecstatic to finally have their own.


"Hey, Ahsoka!" Sabine saw her friend walk past in the senator's building.

The Jedi Knight turned around and saw the young Mandalorian rushing towards her, her painted armour standing out from the croud of officials that were walking about. Ahsoka pulled her into a hug before letting go and putting her arm on Sabine's shoulders, letting them both walk side by side.

Ever since Sabine had come back from Mandalor with her parents, Ahsoka and her had become best of friends. Sabine wasn't that force sensitive and was two years younger than the Jedi Knight but that didn't matter. Ahsoka was glad to have her as a friend, Barres Offie had betrayed her but Sabine wasn't as secretive as her. Is she wanted you to know something, she would tell you. She was well known in both the Jedi Temple and the senate building because of her abnormal choice of clothing, but she wore it to make a statement. She was now living in the flat above Anikin's brother-in-law and his wife near to the senate building. Her entire place was covered in vibrant colours and the walls were covered in her own art. She was her own woman.

"What's up?" Ahsoka smiled warmly.

"Oh... Nothing... Just wanted to talk..." She blushed and looked away.

"I don't have to be force sensitive to know there is something else on your mind" Ahsoka nudged her in the ribs playfully as they continued their walk.

"Oh, ok! So maybe I saw a boy the other day..." Ahsoka squealed as Sabine just became even more pink when she gave in.

"Who is he? Where did you see him? What is he like?" Ahsoka's mind filled with questions.

"I actually she him when I was with Father... He's a Padawan learner..."

Ahsoka just squealed louder, drawing attention from the senators in the corridor. Sabine had to put her hand over her friend's mouth so as not to die from embarrassment.

"What's his name?" She asked as soon as Sabine thought it was safe to remove her hand.

"Ezra..." She muttered.


"So you do it like this..." Sabine raised her blaster quickly and shot at the target.

Three scorch marks faded away, all around the bullseye. Leia and Luke nodded at each other before picking up their own blasters. Many Jedi didn't like that they were being taught how to fight with uncivilised weapons, but they had to admit that many Jedi had died in the war due to their lacked experience with other weapons. The force could only make you so good at fighting, giving Jedi an advantage with their instinct, but that didn't always help with every situation. Admitting defeat, Master Yoda gave Sabine and Padme the pleasure of teaching the twins how to use blasters with skill.

Luke found it easy enough, hitting the target almost dead center on his first shot. Leia was even more impressive, hitting the centre straight on her first time. Padme chuckled at her daughter. Leia smirked at both Sabine and Luke's shock. She twirled the blaster in her hands before fitting it into it's pocket on her hip. She was a pure natural with a blaster, that was probably why her lightsaber hilt was curved.

"Just remember," the twins looked behind them at their father, "your lightsabers are a sign of the Jedi, it is one of the most civilised forms of combat. Anyone can pull out a blaster and shoot someone, but our sabers are only for close combat and defence..." Luke and Leia threw their arms around their father and Master.

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