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"Tinu, come out ooh. The school bus is here." My brother screamed downstairs as I decided between throwing my diary on my bed or in my bag.

"Tinu!" He yelled again as I quickly dropped it in my bag.

"On my way." I said, skipping down the stairs.

"So sorry." I said as we entered the bus.

"It's okay." Mr Peter, the bus driver said, not giving a moment to sit as he sped off. I moved to the window seat which has already been reserved by my friends.

"Hey girl, why were you late." Shade said.

"Good morning to you too." I said as I sat down.

"Good morning." Ife, my second best friend replied.

"Urgh... You won't reply me. I don't even understand you." Shade groaned.

"I hope you never do, even in a thousand years." I teased.

"I hate you!" She screamed irritated.

"I love you too, baby girl." I replied as I turned around to look at my brother who was looking out the window. It was a thing we had in common, we both loved it.

He was seated at the back of the bus with the popular boys. He wasn't friends with them, neither were they enemies but that was where he sat everyday.

"Why?" My subconscious ask, wanting me to flaunt my brother a little even if it was to myself.

"Because that was were he loved seating and no one could question him not even my crush; the most popular guy in school. I dunno why but he was respected like that, same way I was respected among the girls."

I moved my eyes to my crush, Folu Adeniyi. He has been my crush since forever, well my diary has the full gist. I sighed as I faced my friends who were now back to gisting not including me, I rolled my eyes at them.

Unlike my thoughts, the bus wasn't as calm as the students were shouting, gisting, some were singing but Mr Peter was used to ignoring us as he listened to the music from the radio while maneuvering the bus.

I looked out the window looking at the beautiful scenery's of Ikeja as the bus finally slowed down when it got to our school gate. I looked up at the sign sitting majestically atop the gate.

"Welcome to Royal's High school." It reads.

"Well, it could have been welcome to non royals high school. The school of disorderliness and stress." I groaned as my friends burst into laughter getting exactly what I meant.

"Have a nice day." My brother, Seye said as he moved to his class before assembly starts. He was in his final year, senior secondary school three.

It's so rude of me that I didn't introduce myself. I'm sorry.
My name is Adebayo Darasimi Atinuke, I'm in senior year two and I attend Royal's high. My mother is a big time trader in beverages and food stuff's, My step Father whom I now fondly call Dad is a medical Doctor. I love diaries and I'm the basic definition of a crazy yet subdue girl.

"I hate it when the principal say stuff's like if you miss school on P.T.A day just because you think there won't be classes, you will be in hot soup." Shade groaned on our way to our class.

"Exactly, when we all know there won't be classes."I added fuming.

"Na them sabi jare, I might still not come." Ife said as we walked into our class. We walked to our chairs which was arranged beside each other with a little space between each and my chair in the middle.

I am in SSS2 Academics which is the first class for science students in year two. The class was noisy and rowdy with everyone in his or her own corner. We were 30 in the class but the class looks very beautiful with the coloured plastic chairs which looks like it got out of a barbie movie. The guys were lucky every student could pick the colour of the chair we wanted when we resumed thus most of them had black or brown. My chair is Purple which is my best colour. Shade's is Pink while Ife's own is Orange.

"Good morning to you everyone, What do you have this morning." Ben, the trouble maker of our class mimicked the Principal in the front of the class while half of the class burst into laughter.

"Mad boy, na principal dey come behind you (The principal is coming behind you.)" Joseph, one of the class other trouble maker teased laughing as Ben rushed to his seat. The moment was so epic that even I had to laugh.

We all stopped laughing as the Principal entered into the class and did exactly what Ben did earlier. I couldn't stop from laughing as I placed my hands over my mouth and pretended it was a cough.

"I am here sir." Our Further Mathematics teacher said rushing in and immediately the Principal walked out, we all burst into laughter as Mrs Omoniyi looked at us as if we were nuts.

"Settle down students and bring our your notes." She said.

"Well, the topic for today is DIFFERENCIATION." She said writing it on the marker board as the day's teaching started.

A'N: Here is the first chapter. Please do tell me you love it cos I do!!!
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