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The rest of the day sped up very fast and surprisingly Mide joined the school bus or to be precise, bus 13 which was the bus I took.

He smiled at me as he entered the car and I wave at him, he walked to the back of the bus and plopped down beside my brother.

"Hi." I read his mouth as he turned to my brother who In turn launch into something I couldn't hear or read since he talked very fast.

Fola walked in with his friends at that moment as he shot the girls his graceful smile, teased some and greeted some guys. I looked out the window when he looked my way, I wasn't in the mood for small bickering.

"Who be this?(who is this?)" He ask, spotting Mide in the back and wanting to intimidate him but I knew he didn't stand a chance, Mide was taller than him and I was sure he would be able to protect himself if there's a need to. All the student in the bus turned to the back hoping to catch a little fun.

"I'm Mide, nice to meet you." He said firmly.

"What are you doing here?" He ask as he shot him a nasty glare.

"Well, this is a school bus so obviously, we are all going home." He said, then added slowly as If Fola was a child.

"In other words, I'm here because the bus is taking us home."

"I know that, I'm not stupid." He retorted, angrily.

"I asked what you are doing in the back seat." He added, annoyed.

"Ooh that, I needed a seat and I couldn't get any other vacant seat." He replied, grinning at Fola who huffed in annoyance and shouted,

"Leave, look for another seat. You can't seat here." Fola said, I was about to tell him to cut it off but my brother beat me to it.

"Let it go Fola, he's seating with me." He said, throwing him a cold look as I saw him involuntarily shiver before covering it up.

"Ooh really, so the loner has a friend now." He shot back.

"Don't you dare call my brother a loner." I shot up from my seat angrily, I knew how that word got to him. He didn't like being called a loner even though he really wasn't, it was just part of something he used to be growing up but he never outgrew the effect of the word.

"Ooh really, so the mighty Tinu can talk now. How's that crush you had on me, I hope it hasn't crushed your brain." He taunt.

"Well, thank goodness I had the good sense to get rid of it years ago while stupid you didn't have the sense to read the date on the diary page." I shot back at him while the oohs and aahs in the bus grew among the student at my comeback.

"Leave him jare, at least being a loner is better than having this empty headed friends he carries around." My brother said chuckling with no humor.

"You, how dare you." His friends shout a lot of profanities as they launched themselves at my brother but Mide intercede them before they could get to him.

"Hey guy, calm you friends down and besides how does sitting here affect you. We'll be home before you know it, bare with me eehn." Mide said, an easy smile on his face. Thankfully, the Driver announced that he was leaving and asked everyone to sit.

"This isn't over." Fola said, he glared at my brother, Mide then me as I ignored his look and gazed out of the window. The students went back to their usual familiar hum and conversations and everything was back to normal in a few seconds.

Thankfully, there was no clash with Fola anymore during the week as Mide took his regular seat beside my brother.

I couldn't help but feel like it was the calm before the storm yet, my feelings didn't stop me from wishing I was wrong though because I was finally starting to enjoy the term, That last bit was partly due to my new seat mate who was more fun than I had pegged him to be.

I was sitting on my chair daydreaming randomly when a junior entered the class and walked up to me.

"Senior Tinu, Senior Fola said you should come and meet him at the biology lab." She said as I wondered what he was up to again. Unfortunately for me, none of my friends including Mide was in the class.

"Okay." I said, standing up to follow after her.

He was sitting on one of the lab chairs when I got there, he looked like himself but to me, he looked different. He looked okay but not as handsome he used to look to me as I wondered what ever happened to my sight to think he was the most handsome guy that I knew.

"Finally, you are here." He said, rising to his full height.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him.

"Well, I want just one thing?" He said, smirking.

"And what's that?" I ask, my heart beat fast in my chest as I longed to run out of the room but I wasn't a coward so I stared at him defiantly instead, chin up.

"To be my girlfriend." He said, the stupid smirk was still on his face as I burst into laughter.

"You are kidding right?" I ask between laughter.

"No, I'm not." He said, his expression changed as one of his eye brow shot up.

"Well, no! I'm not interested." I said planning on leaving but he stopped me.

"You might want to think about it again, otherwise..." he trailed off as I turned back to him.

"Otherwise what?" I ask. He produced my diary from his bag as he waved it in my front.

"Give that to me!" I scream, recognizing it as I attempt to grab it from him but he just raised it higher.

"Now, unless you want the school to know about your dirty secret and that you are not such a goody two shoes as you claim. I'll advise you to cooperate with me." He threatened, his hands still raised high.

"You wouldn't." I said my face white and full of fear as I realized he had read my diary.

"Yes, I would unless you do what I ask you to do. But if not, no problem. Your dirty secret will look so good on the school paper." He taunted as I start to shiver in fear.

"Please, please don't. I'll do whatever you ask me to." My voice sounded weak, very weak but I let the words out as he nodded smugly.

"Good." He said, walking past me the diary still in his hands.

"Where did you get the diary?" I ask in a small voice but surprisingly he heard.

"Well, you were stupid to be so careless with it and someone saw it then somehow figured I'd be the best person to give it to." He said as he shut the door behind him.

My legs finally gave out as I collapsed on the floor and started crying. I heard the bell ring signifying the break was over but I didn't stand up.

"I'm done for." I thought as I wept like a baby.

A'N: Hey guys, we are finally getting to the main part of the book. Don't forget to vote and comment.

What do you think Tinu's secret is.

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