something to fight for

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"When you louse someone you love you think you've lost what you're fighting for, hu well I didn't have anyone in the first place because if I did I wouldn't be able to handle it when they die so I give up on love and happiness because I don't deserve it what should I have to do with something I don't deserve. So I give up on it and fill up time so I can't have what I don't deserve." You say to Steve "Everybody deserves happiness even you" he said trying to convince you otherwise " well if you find my happiness let me know" you say and walk to your room on Natasha's floor of the avengers tower.

Natasha was waiting on your bed for you when you came in she wore a black dress with the belt you made her loosely around her waist matching the dress perfectly she walked to you her hair was pulled to the side purectly " You ok" she ask looking at you with her emrold green eyes "yeah I'm purectly fine" you say walking to the bed and taking your boots off " I'm going to go out for a little bit with Bruce" she said reaching the door. " You don't have to tell me whatever your going and don't do anything you aren't comfortable with while you're out" you said changing your black combat panse into a comfterbul par of night panse " Be carful with Banner don't kill your self" you add laying down she turns of the lights and walked out and to her date you knew she was happy with him and you couldn't do anything about it because if you did jealous Banner would yell at you for it. You tried so hard to make him happy and not heart Nat your crush but he found it in your best interest to stay away from her so you decided when she goes on her next mission no matter your coutent condition you would leave. You weren't healthy and you knew it but you saw that they didn't care so you would do what you've been doing for the past 21 years take care of yourself and do what you had to do no trust, no relying on anybody for anything at all though they have started to earn your trust Banner is putting too much stress and with the counstent troma and panic attack it's becoming too much for you and soon your monster will come out and get rid of everything that is doing this to you and that inclouds Banner. You didn't wat to risk it so you had to go, to protect those you have grown attached to and thought it will hurt you more than anything you will go no matter what

(Time skip:The day Natasha left!!)

You were all packed and set to leave that night. You left your phone there knowing they would track it. You grabbed your emergency excape bag and left without a trace of bring there. Burning your clothes that weren't in the bag only your phone wat left until touched. No one seemed to notice or care for that matter. When she came back she checked your room to see you because to her you meaned the most. She had seen your phone and walked to pick it up and there was a voice message on it from you. "Hay Nat I suspect you are the only one to notice I'm gone well that tells you how much I'm worth I gess," she was devastated but kept listening "  if you're wondering why I left without saying anything to you first was because I couldn't, you might not believe me but I couldn't do anything with you without Banner exploding and yelling  at me for it. Don't brake up with him because of me I'm not worth it. I have allot going in with my mental state and finical, so I will fix it the way I always have alone I want you to know it's not your fault............................. I love you goodbye and I hope we one day meet again but no promises." "Beeeeeeeeeeep" she posed the message. And walked down to the others " What happened to (Y/n)"

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