Chapter Seven

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I smiled as I let her go, letting her sit in front of me as I held both of her hands in mine, not wanting to let her go. I would always have the fear of loosing her now, now that i know what she's capable of physically and mentally. 'Now please get some sleep.' I whispered softly as I caressed her small, petite hands. 

'But I don't want to.' She replied making me sigh before I laid down on her comfy bed, gently and carefully pulling her down into my arms. I wrapped them around her skinny, beautiful body holding her close to me, no space between us, both of our bodies pressed up agaisnt each other's. 'I'll be here in the morning when you wake up.' I said softly as I stroked her brown locks of hair.

'But what if this is all a dream it's self and none of this really happened, how would we both know?' I smiled softly at how she kept making excuse to stay up, 'Well we'll just have to wake up and find out then wont we.' I whispered kissing her nose gently as I pulled the white, thick duvet over our bodies.

'Sweet dreams beautiful.' I whispered into her ear before kissing it, 'I'm not going to sleep.' She replied back quickly making me chuckle, 'Sometimes you're just so stubborn it isn't funny!' I said softly and cheekily. 'Am not!' I heard her voice argue back as she looked up at me, still being able to see that beautiful twinkle in her eyes.

'Are to.' I said softly smiling wide seeing a small but beautiful smile appear on her face as she continued to argue back, 'Am not!' 'Are too!' 'Am not!' 'Are too!' 'Am not!' 'Are too!' 'Fine.' She cut the argument short as she shrugged my arms off of her moving to the other side of the bed taking the duvet with her, leaving me along and cold.

I frowned deeply pouting as I watched her, 'hey no come back.' I said softly as I reached out for her but she moved further away, 'You're not stubborn, only sometimes.' i said softly as I scooted over to where she was, but she quickly got up and ran away from the bed. I chuckled smiling wide as I say a huge, bright, beautiful smile plastered on her face.

'Come back to bed right now!' I said sternly as I sat up swinging my legs over the edge, shaking my head as she replied with a small and quick shake of her head, 'okay you asked for it.' I smirked as I stood up walking over to her. She screamed softly running to the other side of the bed, i followed quick behind resulting in another scream from her voice box.

I smiled wide as she ran out of the door following her quickly, running after her slowly letting her get away not wanting this moment to end any time soon! 'Go away!' She squealed as she ran around a table turning to face me, her beautiful hair flipping over her shoulder. 'Not unless you come back to bed!' I smiled wide as I tried to run around the table but she ran the other way as soon as i made a movement.

She took a chance running away from the table screaming as she ran quickly, smirking i picked my pace up running after her. I smiled wide as I closed in on her wrapping my arms around her from behind and picking her up, spinning her in a circle as I caught her holding her body close to mine.

She screamed once more laughing a soft giggling as i felt her hands on my arms. 'Got you.' I whispered kissing her ear once more before I picked her up throwing her over my shoulder. 'Justin!' She screamed as I held her legs making my way back to her bed room. I smiled wide as she tried her best to kick and punch, hit and slap, even bite me to make me let her go, but i didn't care, nothing hurt as much as her self harming.

I laid her down on the bed next to me wrapping my arms around her to hold her close, 'Now please go to sleep!' I said softly smiling as she crossed her arms, 'no!' she replied to me making me chuckle. 'See stubborn.' I winked as she pouted, I leaned up pecking her lips sweetly watching her pout disappear.

'please.' 'No i don't want to!' I softly began to sing to her, just a few verses from different songs hoping she would somehow fall asleep peacefully. I heard a soft snore escape her lips making me smile wide, stopping in the verse from 'Die in your arms' kissing her shoulder gently, 'Sweet dreams beautful, i love you.' I whispered truthfully before nuzzling my head into her neck, slowly falling asleep to the sound of her breathing.

Until You Love Yourself // bieberWhere stories live. Discover now