Chapter Five

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'I promise.' She finally gave in, a small smile appearing on my face at her words, 'I don't want to loose you.' I whispered hugging her tightly, holding her beautiful body close to mine, 'I don't want to loose you either.' I heard her angelic voice fill my ears. 'I want to help you.' I said to her softly, 'I will help you!' I corrected myself.

'How?' I heard her voice as I bit my lip, 'First i'll bandage your scars.' I said softly kissing her temple before reaching over and opening the cupboard, taking the first add kit out, resting it down next to me. 'I wanted to tell you something but it doesn't matter right now.' I heard her voice making me frown, 'No it does matter, please.' I said softly as I took out a disinfectant wash, dabbing some on a tissue.

'I don't want to make it awkward between you and me though.' I shook my head softly, 'Nothing will be awkward between us, i promise.' I said softly, 'This may sting a little.' I continued kissing her cheek soothingly as I dabbed it onto her cuts gently, feeling her wince in my arms, 'Squeeze my hand when it hurts.' I continued feeling her hand slid into mine, holding her hand tightly.

I continued to wipe it across her arm making sure I got all of the cuts, feeling her nails slowly start to dig into my skin, stopping, not wanting her to be in pain more than she already is. 'Sorry.' I said softly as I felt her face gently nuzzle into my neck, knowing she was in pain but this was going to help her, 'Have you treated any of your cuts?' I asked her softly.

She replied with a small shake of her head making me sigh, no wonder she has been sick and unwell alot. I took out a long bandage, slowly rolling it onto her arm, firmly but just loose enough so it didn't hurt her and that she could move her arm around. 'There, all better.' i whispered softly kissing her cheek soothingly,

'Did you want to watch a movie? get your mind of things?' I asked her softly, trying my best to help her, 'What kind of movie?' I smiled softly knowing she knew I was trying my best. 'How about LOL?' I asked her softly kissing her temple, 'Please.' I heard her whisper as I replied with a small nod of my head slowly standing up with her in my arms.

'When do your parent's come back?' I asked her softly rubbing her back soothingly as I walked down the hall slowly into her room, 'In a month.' I bit my lip nodding my head, 'Do you mind if I stay here the whole month with you then?' I asked her softly, hopefully she would let me.

'It's up to you.' I heard her say, I smiled small as I laid her down on her bed, 'Then i'm staying.' I said softly, biting my lip, I got a tissue from her bedside draw, gently wiping her make-up off of her face, she let a small laugh escape her lips as she let me.

'I must look like a panda.' she replied softly as I pulled away, she was now make-up free. 'A beautiful panda.' I said softly and truthfully, 'Popcorn? Chocolate? Water?' I asked her softly as I put the tissue in the bin, 'No, i'm already fat enough.' she replied as I frowned stopping in my tracks to look into her eyes, 'You're no where near fat.' I said softly,

'trust me.' I continued quickly before she could argue back, I slowly turned around as she nodded her head, putting the movie into her dvd player, taking the remote, walking out and shutting her curtains and her door before laying down next to her, I wrapped my arms around her body gently holding her close as I pressed play on the movie.

It started to play, resting my head on her pillow, instead of watching the movie I looked down at her, stroking her hair gently sand soothingly, 'I really like this movie.' I heard her say softly, 'me too.' I replied as I kissed her temple gently, pulling the blanket over our bodies feeling her body shiver agaisnt mine. 'I need to tell you something, but I don't want to.' I heard her whisper.

I frowned softly as I looked down into her eyes, 'Why not? i wont judge you.' I whispered softly in response, 'I know, but, but I don't want to make it awkward between you and I.' I sighed softly, 'please.' I said softly, begging her to tell me, she shook her head softly 'I'm afraid though.' I heard her as I sighed, 'Come on please?' I asked softly.

'I really like you.' I heard her whisper, my heart skipping a beat as I stopped, 'what?' I asked softly.

Until You Love Yourself // bieberWhere stories live. Discover now