In the Darkest Depths // Sea Prince! Shinsou x Reader // Part Two.

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 "But a mermaid has no tears..."

Your slumber was soon over.

Shinsou had been overjoyed to hear that your transformation had gone over rather smoothly and that it was now fully complete. Of course, he was a little disappointed not to be the first one to see your true form...but no matter. He swam to you immediately and his disappointment was quickly shed when he saw you.

You were...perfect.

It was as though you had stepped right out of his dreams, or rather, swam out of them.

Because your useless little legs were now long gone, replaced by a shimmering tail. Oh, how you did shimmer! Though these caverns were dark, luminescent jellyfish brought in a soft light. The light was reflected by your brilliant tail...oh, your tail!

It was exactly how Shinsou had imagined it! A gleaming dark purple, each scale flashing brilliantly in the darkness. Your fins were large, fanning about you elegantly, and were stripped of your silly human garments and your hair was now loose and as wild as the sea. You were beautiful and he...he was gawking.

Shinsou swam towards you slowly, thinking of all the times he had dreamed of this.

All those hours upon hours of waiting, calling to you, wishing you were with him. It had all been worth it.


He had always imagined you swimming into his embrace, smiling up at the prince happily. But..but you didn't. Instead you made these...sounds. Horrible sounds that seemed almost like you were chocking but he knew that couldn't be it. You could breath just fine, couldn't you?

You weren't dying, you couldn't be in pain anymore...what was this?



You had thought it was a dream.

A terrible, horrible dream. The mighty storm, the hands dragging you to the deepest waters, that calm voice in your ear...

"My treasure..."

And the pain. The unbearable pain, unlike anything you had ever felt. You had thought all of it had been some messed up nightmare...until you woke up. It was dark here, so dark you could barely see a thing. But a purple-blue light began to fill this place and were noticing things.

How different everything felt.

The way your body throbbed still.

And you couldn't find them. You couldn't feel them. Reaching down, your hands touched not soft, familiar skin...but something wet. Something with scales. The breath began to quicken, coming out ragged and rough, as panic began to truly set it.

It wasn't a was real, it was all real...

He was real.


And he was here.

Now you could see him, this tall pale skinned stranger before you. His hair was a wild violet, his eyes were tired and dark. His body was pale and muscular, pale skin stretching into...into scales. Soft purple scales which created a powerful tail.

And all at once, you knew what he was:

The monster beneath the sea.

The voice in the darkest depths.

Your nightmare. You captor.

"What's wrong? What...what are you doing?"

Crying. You were crying. You hadn't even realized it couldn't feel your tears anymore. In the ocean, your tears slipped away unnoticed. But sorrow had bubbled up inside of you, coming out in great, heaving sobs.

"Stop it...stop it!"

The merman was angry now, grabbing you by your shoulders tightly.

"Stop it! Speak to me!!"

The anger in his voice made you want to follow his commands...but you couldn't. You were crying too hard to speak even a single word and, when you didn't do as told, he only became more enraged. His grip became painfully tight as he dragged you out of this dark place, talking hurriedly to himself all the while.

"She doesn't...I don't...what is, no, no..."

You didn't know where you were going now. He didn't tell you.

But you soon found yourself in an ornate palace carved from the mighty underwater mountain and decorated with shining shells and pearls. Strange blue lights came from it, giving it all an eerie glow. He was a strong swimmer, pulling you along quickly through the water and into the dark castle. Yanked about through many shadowy corridors, you were finally brought to...a room.

It was finely decorated, with both treasure of the sea and the human world inside. Watery plants created curtains that continuously billowed, flowers unlike those you had ever seen bobbed about. There were chests all around, both big and small, and little nooks filled with pretty things. A massive shell was made to be a bed and it was here he pulled you to.

By now, your sobs had become more quiet and he seemed less upset.

The merman's dark eyes stared into your own and for a moment...he seemed to soften.

"Speak to me."

You didn't. You couldn't.

And once again, he was angry.

"Speak. To. Me."

Silent you still remained.

Finally fed up with you, the merman turned away and began to move quickly about the room, ranting as he did.

"I don't want to make you! But you, you're so're so human."

He said it as though it was a disgusting word, something almost dirty. Opening a large chest, the merman pulled out something shimmering and silver. Chains, you realized. Thick, sturdy chains that he quickly wrapped around you. You were soon secured into place, now trapped in this underwater castle.

He was looking at you again with that soft expression, his eyes almost pleading. He leaned close, so close that your lips were nearly touching.

"I won't do it again." He said in a whisper. "Even if you speak, I won't...make you do anything. But it would be beautiful if we did! Y/N, I've dreamed of this for so long...I've dreamed of you. I've waited for so long..."

His expression suddenly hardened and he pulled away from you, swimming off into the darkness.

"But I can wait longer."

Alone once again, your hands found your...your tail. It was powerful and a shiny purple, a shade that you would have thought as pretty. But looking at this strange thing, you didn't think it was pretty. It was...horrible. This was all so horrible.

And with that in mind, you began to cry once again, your sobs echoing in this dark, lonely place.


You were making those sounds again.

He didn't like them.

For some reason, they gave Shinsou a sick, unhappy feeling and he...he just wanted you to stop it. Perhaps he had been too harsh on you though. Everything was new and strange and...he shouldn't have gotten so upset.

Shinsou sighed, too many thoughts racing through his mind.

He'd always imagined that, once you were of his own kind, your mating ceremony would commence...but now he realized it was far too soon. You would need some time to accept your new life. You would need even more time to accept him.

But it was no matter.

Shinsou would just wait. You would come around.

And if you didn't...all he needed was just one word.  

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