A Winter Rose // Ice Prince! Shoto x Reader.

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 "He is both fire and ice in one being,"

It was cold here.

It had always been so very cold, a land filled with ice and snow and wild winds that ripped through the air with rage and power. Here, the snow never ceased to fall, the ice never melted, and the wind never quieted it's howling cries. Here, the sun rarely shined it's golden lights through the clouds and the cold never left the air. Here, the people huddled close as they shivered and prayed for a single moment of warmth.

All accept for one girl.

Y/N, strange as strange can be, seemed to love the cold.

More often then not she was outside, running through the snow and exploring it's secrets. She found beauty in the falling snow and magic in the glistening ice. And in the howling, screaming winds she heard the sweetest of voices.

"My darling..."

"So perfect..."

"My winter rose..."

"So beautiful..."

"I love you..."

Was it magic? Was it imaginary? She wasn't so sure.

But the voice cried out none the less and Y/N seemed to be the only one who could hear it. The only one who loved the cold. The only one who laughed and played in it...At night, when all were sound asleep and the voice seemed to call to her, she would wrap herself up and sneak out into the darkness, allowing the cold to kiss her face and the wind to wail around her.

"Oh, darling..."

"I love you..."

"I need you..."

"Winter rose..."

"Come to me!"

She stopped. She froze, listening and wondering and wishing.

Standing in the cold, Y/N wondered about this wild wind and quiet, cold voice. For the first time, she noticed that it seemed to call from over the cliffs and she wondered...might she go and find it? Might she find this strange speaker? Or would such a thing be far too dangerous? Looking back at her family's cottage, Y/N was suddenly struck by the darkness and the cold that loomed around her/

Though the night was a beautiful one, there was a danger that came with it. Creatures that lurked in the darkness...cold that could kill a person slowly.

Anything could happen in the chilled, wild land, both terrible and wonderful things. Should she turn back? Or go forward into the unknown? The wind began to scream once more, the cold whipping and a voice rising.

"Come to me!"

She did.


It had taken so long.

Oh, it was so hard to get her to listen! I spied my darling first in my magic mirror and I just...I fell for her. This pretty little peasant melted by cold heart and I...I could not resist her. I could not stop myself. At first, it was only watching from afar. But then it became whispering, my voice traveling upon my cold winds and into her ear.

I didn't mean for it to become any more then that, truly, but...

Now she had listened. Now she was coming to me.

And I was waiting for her, waiting in the darkness and the cold and praying that she might come to me. Praying that my plan would work and that she might love me...

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