Happily Ever After // Yandere! Prince Charming x Cinderella.

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It was supposed to be beautiful.

After years of suffering and sorrow and soot, you were to have your one beautiful moment. Was that truly so much to want? Was your wish so selfish? You had not felt as though it was. For so long, this one little wish had been the only thing that kept you going through your struggles. You refused to let go. You refused to stop believing. And just when it seemed like you might give up...she came.

Your fairy godmother. A flick of her wand and a flash of light changed everything. Suddenly you wore a glimmering gown and shining jewels, petals and diamonds strung around you and tiny glass slippers on your feet. When your dirty rags had melted away into gold silk and lace, you had felt...

Beautiful and happy.

Happy for the first time in so many years. With joy in your heart, your fairy godmother whispered a warning in your ear and sent you off in a white carriage, granting your one wish. After so much loneliness and sadness, you were finally allowed one night of pure joy...

All you'd hoped for was just one dance, it didn't matter with who.

All you wanted was one beautiful night. One dance and one bit of happiness before going back to your cinders and chores.

So when the handsome man approached you and took your hand without a word, you didn't argue. Smiling, you fell into the man's arms and danced...and danced...and danced...You danced with him all night, the rest of the dancers fading away as you looked into his eyes. Something sweet swelled inside, some beautiful feeling you'd long since forgotten...

Oh, it was beautiful!

It was so perfect!

The music swelled and dancers swirled but you slipped away with your partner, standing in the starlight as he reached up with soft hands.

"My I, my lady?"

With your smile as an answer, he removed your silver mask from your face slowly. Your heart went wild, a million and one questions rushing through your mind. After years of hard work and harsh words, beauty became something that meant so little. But when the stranger smiled at you and called your beautiful...you believed it.

You believed all of it.

When he took your hand and kissed it and covered you in compliments, you believed every word of it. How could you not? You'd spent so long in the cold...and the warmth he gave you felt so good. When he told you that the was the prince the ball was held for, your heart skipped a beat. When you told him you were no one, he swore that such a thing couldn't be true.

"You're to beautiful to be a no one...you're perfect." He whispered.

Oh, you were so happy! Everything seemed so...wonderful. Deep inside, you wished that this night would never ever end. That you could stay with the prince forever and be so happy everyday...but you couldn't. All you had was this one, precious night.

Maybe that was why you stayed, ignoring the rest of the ball.

It seemed as though the only place you ought to be was with him. All night you walked beneath the stars and talked and laughed. How strange it seemed, for a girl like you to get along so well with a prince!

Maybe that was why you kissed him, shy lips pressing to his.

It was strange at first and, oh, you were so embarrassed! But soon you were falling into his kiss, closing your eyes and kissing the prince again and again...oh, it was so perfect! It was so sweet! You stole kisses in between laughter and soft whispered all night.

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