The Snow Son // Yuki Onna! Shoto x Reader.

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 Once upon a time...

There was a monster.

He was the offspring of a snow woman and a fire demon, born of fire and ice, pain and power. He was a creature unlike any other. Born from a Yuki Onna and a brutal Hiyasha, Shoto held the most brutal parts of his within him.

Frost from one side.

Frozen and cold, frost slipping from his fingers and ice following in his footsteps. His mother's snow and frost, her gifts to him. The air around him began freezing cold, breath coming in puffs of air and covered everything, creating a frozen bliss.

Fire from the other.

Burning, bursting, horrible fire! His greatest shame! His father's fire burned within him, a burden Shoto was forced to carry. He could feel them, the flames in his very soul, creeping along his body and aching to burn it all.

And hatred from within.

He'd left so long ago now (centuries, it seemed to be, in mortal years but only just yesterday to him). Shoto now roamed the mortal world, his heart filled with hate and loneliness and ice and fire...but snow was what he chose. The cold was comforting to him, a frozen memory of his mother, and the ice seemed to dull his aching heart from the pain.

It was better this way...

It was better if he was alone...

Except that he wasn't. He was not alone anymore. For the first time, Shoto was no longer alone on this snowy mountain. There was, he realized, someone else here. He'd seen glimpses of them, brief looks of a stranger in a red cloak. He had seen them from in between the frozen trees and walking flurried snowfall.

Who were they?

Who dared to come to these mountains?

The story of the snow and fire son was well known to the people, often whispered on cold winter nights...they said that this monster would slowly freeze you to death, frost covering your skin bit, stealing the warmth from your very soul. They said he would burn you with his fire, flames consuming you until only ash was left.

His victims soul, the stories went, would be forced to wander the mountains for all of eternity, howling in pain and misery along with the wild winds.

Was this stranger not afraid?

Everyone was. Everyone had always feared him...the son of snow and fire, the monster! It was better if he stayed upon his mountain. It was better if everyone stayed away.

So why were they here?

For the first time in so long, Shoto was feeling something. Curiosity...perhaps confusion? It was still something, some kind of feeling, and it was there! With this something bubbling in his chest, Shoto watched from afar. Hidden in the white trees, Shoto looked out onto the snowy mountain. And, there in the distance, he saw something!


Like blood upon the fresh white snow, the red cloak was bright and pretty...and he followed it.

Carefully. Quietly.

Shoto stepped soundlessly through the snow, his eyes watching this stranger from the shadows. Closer and closer he crept, and as he did, he began noticing something about them. Strange, little things that they did...

They walked slowly.

Carefully, delicately making a path through the snow. The snow fell silently, falling upon their red cloak as they walked.

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