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After the little reunion with my brother I headed back to my room.

I twisted the door knob and entered and saw Deidara and Sasori at their desks.

You decided to see what Sasori was doing since he was probably way more interesting than Deidara's stupid clay.

"Hey Sasori, what are you doing?"

He didn't respond but turned to look at you with a 'bitch are you blind' look.

"I'm making a puppet, idiot."

You chuckled.

"Sorry, I was trying to improve my social skills."

Deidara didn't spare you one glance ever since you entered the room. It somehow made you sad because you liked attention,... Or was it his attention in particular?

Cut the pervert act y/n!

You mentally slapped yourself and looked back at a smirking red-head.


"I won't expose you, y/n... Not yet."

You quickly realised what he meant and you shook your head.

"No, no! It's not like that..."

He didn't listen and walked out of the room leaving you and Deidara alone. You heard the door lock and you sweatdropped.

Why me?...

Deidara still didn't spare you a glance so you decided to make the first move.

You walked over to him and sat down at your desk, luckily it was next to his so you leaned over so that you're infront of his face. You realised that up close he looked even more attractive that normal.

Keep yourself together y/n!!!

You mentally slapped yourself again.

"What do you want, y/n?"

His voice was sad. What's wrong with him?

"Why are you giving me the silent treatment?"

He looked into your eyes and gave you a glare.

"I don't know... I guess I just hate you?"

HOLD UP! What did I even do?

"Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, it's just that in that night 7 years ago you were supposed to never see me ever again. Now you're here."

"Hold up mister! If you never wanted me to see you again then why the hell did you bring me into this hell hole you bastard!? Do you have another stupid excuse like you always do?"

He looked away from you.

"Get out of my face, and don't talk to me. You can only talk to Sasori-danna in this room, not me, un."

You stood up and walked out of the room. Well, you tried. Since Sasori locked the door from the outside and took the key, you were stuck with someone you didn't really want to be with.

"Fuck you Sasori..."

You walked to Deidara and snatched a few of his bugs.

"Hey! What are you doing."

You didn't reply since 'he didn't want to talk to you anymore'.

He looked at the bugs in your hand and then back at the door.

You noticed he realised the plan and you freely threw them towards the door.


The wooden door exploded making ashes of smoke and dust flow into your room.

"Well done y/n, never knew you'd make such a good escape."

You felt the heat rise to your cheeks.

NO!!! Don't blush stupid donkey!

You mentally slapped yourself and tried to calm down. However, before you could do that Deidara already noticed you pink cheeks.

"You're blushing, un?"

"Shut up, baka..."

He chuckled and walked out of the room, you went out too but turned the other direction.

Deidara POV

I walked down the dimmed hallway.

Dammit, why did I compliment her?...

I remember the days when we were kids, she was the only one who'd except my art and looks. Not only was she my first friend, but my first love.

However after I left her I managed to get rid of those feelings, they better not come back now...


I walked my way to the kitchen and sat on the counter and looked for snacks.




You kept running your hands through the chamber of goodness until you found what you were looking for.


You admired the fresh packet of dango at didn't give any mercy. You tested off the packaging and started your feast.

"Awwww... This is better than being in heaven, I wonder what genius made this piece of holy shit. This is the cure for cancer."

I you kept mumbling to yourself about the snack but stopped when you heard a chuckle.

"Oh hey, nii-san!"

He gave you a warm smile and looked at the dango.

"You want some?"

He looked at the dango more hungrily this time.

This is scaring me...

All of a sudden he was right next to you, but the packet of dango was now in his hands instead of yours.


You tried to snatch it back from him but before you could he stuffed all the dumplings in his mouth.

You fell to the ground in defeat and started anime crying (u know when the thicc stream of tears goes down in anime and it's funny not sad that that) .

After Itachi finished YOUR snack he looked back at you.

"I have alot of spare packets, but they're in my secret safe..."

Before he could speak again someone came into view.

"Hey, Itachi! Have you seen sasori-danna?"

The blonde turned his gaze to you. Instead of his usual cold stare his eyes were more glossy and bright.

Why am I so... Lost in him?

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