rules of entry

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no eyes meeting from across a room

no calls just to hear your voice

no smiling just because you entered a room

holding hands is forbidden

hugs are not to be too long or too meaningful

kissing is only for sex and you know this

no three am phone calls

no I miss you's or other symbols of feelings

no feelings

no togetherness

no small touches just to feel your warmth

no smelling the air around you for a trace of your cologne

no wearing your hoodies to bed

touch is only permitted when promised to be sexual or needed, otherwise it is deemed unnecessary

under no circumstances are we to find ourselves laying wordlessly comfortable

no promises of us

no caring beyond simple friendship

no whispers in ears just to make each other happy

none of the sappy teenage angst

after agreeing to the terms and conditions all cases or heartbreak, love, loss or sadness are on the behalf of you.

sign simply by promising to break every rule

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