Chapter 7

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The day went by rather slowly and I stayed close to Aiden. I knew that I needed him there for me. At the end of the day, I pulled out my phone and called Derek. "Hello?" Derek answered. "We may have a problem." I said.

"What's wrong?" Derek asked. I looked around and saw that Alice and Edward were staring at me. "A girl saw me. She saw my eyes and she told her brother. Derek! They want to know what's up with us!" I whisper yelled into the phone.

"Do you need me to deal with this." Peter asked as he took the phone from Derek. I glanced at the two siblings. They looked horrified. "Killing them won't solve anything. I'm going to meet with their family and make sure that they keep quiet.

I want both of you to come with me. I don't know what they are, but I know that they are supernatural. I get a feeling that they may be dangerous, but time will tell. We'll be home in a bit. Love you both." I said

"We love you too. Be safe." Derek said as he took his phone back. "You too." I said. I looked over and saw that Alice was walking over to us but she stopped. Her eyes had a glazed overlook. I heard the screech of a car and saw that it was heading straight for her.

I drooped everything that I was holding and ran towards her. "Alice! Move!" I yelled. I knew that at 'Human' speed, I wouldn't make it. I let my speed get faster as my eyes took a red tint. I jumped and hooked my hands onto her shoulders.

I used the momentum to force her out of the way. "Alice? Alice!" I yelled as I shook her. I felt Edward run over to me with Bella on his heels and I could feel his breath on my neck. I paid no attention to that, though.

I grabbed her hand to see if she was in pain. She wasn't I couldn't even feel a pulse. "Son of a Bitch." I cursed under my breath. "Amara? Are you alight?" Aiden asked, panicked. "I'm fine, Aiden. It's Alice I'm worried about. She could have been killed." I replied.

"I'll take her home and have her checked out by my father. He's a doctor." Edward said in a strained voice. I looked at him and saw that he was looking at me and Aiden in pity. "I don't need pity. I need answers." I slightly snarled at him.

Edward pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to me. "Come to our house and we will explain everything. I promise." Edward said as he scooped up his sister. "I thought you were going to give me a ride home?" Bella asked.

"I think he has more important things to do right now. Besides, isn't that your truck?" I asked as I pointed to an old red truck that looked horrible. "What's it to you?" Bella sneered at me. "Just making an observation." I snarled back.

"I'll see you two later. My family will want to meet yours." I said as I walked towards my bike. I put on my helmet and started up my bike. Aiden did the same and we took off from school. I drove home and walked to the house.

I ran to my room and changed into some black jeans, a pullover, my white converse, and a gray beanie

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I ran to my room and changed into some black jeans, a pullover, my white converse, and a gray beanie. I saw that Aiden had also changed into some jeans, black converse a black wife beater and a black flannel.

Derek and Peter walked out of their rooms dressed in jeans, black combat boots, black shirts. Derek was wearing his signature black leather jacket. I walked over to my brother and handed him the paper with Edward's address on it.

"Edward will explain when we get there. I want everyone to go with me. Strength in numbers." I said. Derek and Peter shot each other a look and then nodded. I smiled when I saw Derek sigh in defeat. I knew that I had gotten what I wanted.

"We leave in ten." I said. I pulled out my phone and called Ethan. "Hello?" A tired voice answered. "Hey, Ethan. Long-time no see. I was wondering if you could meet me in Forks, Washington. We have some things to talk about." I said.

"What could be so important that you can't tell me over the phone?" Ethan asked. "I'll tell you everything when you get here. I give you my word." I said. "Alright. Is it okay if I bring someone?" Ethan asked.

"Sure. I don't mind." I said. "I'll see you soon." Ethan said. "Bye." I said as I hung up. I felt Aiden and the others looking at me but I didn't care. I looked through my contact and found the number I wanted.

"Hello?" A voice that made my heart hurt said. "Hey, Issac. It's Amara. I need you to come to Forks, Washington. It's really important, I'll give you more details when you get here." I said. "Yeah, I'll come." Issac said. "Thanks. I owe you one." I said.

"No problem. Bye." Issac said. "Bye." I replied. I shut off my phone and turned to my pack. "Why did you do that?" Derek asked. "I have a feeling we are going to need all the help we can get." I replied as I walked out the door.

I jumped onto my bike and started towards the address that Edward gave me. The others followed me as I took off. After what seemed like an hour, while in reality, it was ten minutes, I turned onto a nearly hidden driveway.

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