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Walking into the Maze of a house you went to Jerimiah's bedroom to find that red-haired ginger and tell him about your exciting news as you were approaching you heard soft mumbling coming from inside you were ready to turn around but as you turned to walk away you heard him softly mumble "Y/N" it was so desperate and almost pleading your curiosity got the better of you and you opened the door a crack just as you did you seen him with a grey T-shirt and the blankets covering his lower half he had his hands under the covers and quickly jerked upwards surprised you close the door and run out of the maze house into your car the adrenaline had you pumped but also the fact that Jeremiah thinks of you when he masturbates brought a small smirk to your face as you leave his house and go back to your after dinner you decide to head to bed already. Stirring at the sudden weight on the bed you sit up and see a shadow you jump in surprise and grab you baseball bat ready to swing "Y/N Y/N it's me Jerimiah" Jerimiah says in a rush putting his hands up you lower your bat and sit on the bed putting the covers back on "Jerry what are you doin here, its 4 in the mornin?"
He stood mere inches away, his lanky form towering over you as the moonlight streamed in from the window and illuminated him - his pale skin looking almost ghostly as he smoothed a hand through his hair nervously. Looking down he finally speaks "How.How much did you um see Y/N?" clearing your throat you feel your heart beat quickly as you speak "I don't know what-" "Please don't lie Echo said she seen you run out of the Maze" he says in a low voice as he sits on the end of the bed "I didn't really see that much if it makes you feel better I feel so terrible I should have knocked" you say "It alright um just sorry if I made you feel Uncomfortable" he says looking at you "I wasn't uncomfortable I was just shocked and a little intrigued" you say a blush spreading to your cheeks You swallowed thickly, imagining him stroking himself to you late at night after you had gone to your home for the evening. You never had a clue that he thought of you that way...but you definitely had thought of him that way many times before. "Yeah?" Was all he said, his voice soft yet so very low and masculine. "Do you uhm...,"The boy cleared his throat, "Do you wanna...see it?" Looking at him you slowly Nodding
Jerimiah's lips curled into a small, nervous grin before he turned his attention to his belt. He fumbled for a moment, struggling to undo the clasp in his anxious excitement, but soon he was slipping the button of his jeans free of its loop and slowly sliding the zipper all the way down. He gave you a quick, questioning glance - giving you an opportunity to stop this before it went any further - but you simply shifted, pulling your body just the tiniest bit closer to his as you waited for him to continue. Reaching his pale hand into the open fly of his pants, he carefully removed his swollen cock from its confines. You gulped at the sight of it, a warm, tingling sensation coming to life between your thighs as you drank in every inch of the boys formidable member. You had never seen one in person before this, and yet you knew without such previous experience that Jerimiah was big. His cock stood proudly with a slight upward curve and was decorated with blood-engorged veins; his head a deep red and the slit wept with precum in his arousal."You like it?" He questioned quietly, softly stroking his long fingers up and down his length as he watched you. "Yes," You practically moaned, staring at the impressive manhood pulsating before your eyes."Do you maybe wanna," Jerimiah paused, his cheeks reddening as he struggled to find the words, "Do you wanna...taste it?" you tilt your head up and look at him for a moment considering his offer "Please" he adds needily You needed no more encouragement as you slid yourself from the mattress and situated yourself on your knees between the boys legs. "I've never done this before," You prefaced nervously, wrapping your dainty hand around the base of his hardness. "Me neither " he says moaning lightly His skin was surprisingly soft and hot to the touch. Delicately pressing your lips to the underside of his cock, you began to place open-mouthed kisses up his shaft, allowing your tongue to trace small patterns over the large vein that ran up and down his length as you slowly made your way to the head. Circling the tip with your slick, wet muscle, you lapped at the boys slit, pulling a small amount of salty precum into your mouth - a small grin playing on your lips as you heard a sharp intake of breath above you. "Fuck, Y/N," Jerimiah breathed, reaching down and gently entangling his fingers in your hair, "Please...please put me in your mouth...fuck."You were more than happy to oblige, slowly wrapping your lips around the large head and suckling softly at his flesh before pressing downward, inching his thick member deeper into your warm mouth. He was so big, you found it somewhat difficult to breath or even move your tongue, but you were determined to make him feel as good as possible and so you persevered, forcing yourself to take in more of him until ultimately, you felt his tip reach the back of your throat. You coughed a little at the sensation, causing you to spit and sputter a bit around him as you backed off slightly, but you quickly recovered and delved back, taking his cock as deeply into your mouth as you could before pulling back and lapping at his head.Jerimiah bit down on his lower hip hard, blood getting in his mouth due to how hard he was bitting his lip he fought to suppress his moans. You released him from your mouth with a small, wet pop and turned your eyes to study his face, trying to gauge how you were doing. With the hand that he had entwined with your hair, the boy pulled you up off of your knees - bringing the two of you face-to-face before he pressed his warm, bloodied mouth to yours. His kiss was hot and needy and soon you found his tongue slipping in-between your lips, a small hint of the metallic taste of his blood washing over your senses. Lost for a moment in the heated kiss between yourself and your Jerimiah you almost did not notice the straps of your nightgown as they were slid down your arms, causing the thin fabric to fall away from your body and pool at your feet. Jerimiah broke away and leaned back slightly, his eyes roaming over your bare form hungrily as you tried to catch your breath and fight the urge to cover yourself. "God, you're so fucking beautiful," He murmured, cautiously cupping one of your breasts with his large, warm hand and delicately brushing at your rosey nipple with his thumb, "So much better than I'd ever imagined...:""So you were jerking off to me?" You inquired smugly. Jeremiah's cheeks turn red "Doing so since I met you" he chuckles lightly "This is feeling a little one-sided," You remarked after a minute, gesturing towards Jerimiah who was still, in spite of his cock having been released from its confines, fully clothed. "Right, sorry. Lemme take care of that," He chuckled lowly, quickly pulling his top off over his head and standing to push his bottoms down his legs. He stood mere inches away, his lankey form towering over you as the moonlight streamed in from the window and illuminated him - his pale skin looking almost ghostly as he smoothed a hand through his hair nervously. "I uhm...I don't have a condom...if you wanted to -" He stammered, his gaze locked on the wall just past you, avoiding eye contact. "Then, I guess we'll just have to be extra careful...or buy some plan B or something " you say The boys eyes lit up as they snapped back to you, a mischievous grin flashing across his face before he wrapped his arms around you and backed you onto the bed, climbing over top of you as your back pressed into the soft mattress below. "You sure you want this, baby?" He questioned lowly, pressing the fat head of his cock against your heat, "You want me to fuck your pretty little pussy?"You moaned, feeling him rub himself up and down your soaked seam - giving Jerimiah the green light to fuck you had definitely awakened something dark and dirty within the typically well-mannered boy. "Yes - Oh my God, please. Jerimiah," You panted, a small whine escaping your lips as the head of his cock bumped against your clit."Mmm, fuck," He growled as he tightly wound his fingers into your hair, his breath quivering in your ear as he pressed his lips against it and whispered, almost pleadingly, "Beg for it...beg me to fuck you.""Please, Jeremiah," You lamented as you felt him press against your hot slit with a little more pressure, "Please fuck me - I need it so bad."The boy let out a low growl as he pressed forward against your entrance - you muscles fought his intrusion, but slowly Jeremiah worked the tip of his cock into your pristine channel. Already you felt a sense of fullness and you could not believe that you had just taken the head of his manhood inside of you - you began to doubt your ability to take him the rest of the way, but Jeremiah laced his fingers with yours and cooed sweet words into your ear...telling you how wonderful you felt around him and how good you were doing. After a moment of allowing you to adjust to the sensation of having something inside of your virgin pussy, Jeremiah began to move once more. He sank into you slowly, your walls struggling to stretch to accommodate this massive intrusion as he inched his way forward. You could feel every ridge, every vein, every pulse of his large cock as he continued to push into you, splitting you open and touching areas within your depths that you were unaware even existed until you felt the hot, engorged tip press firmly against a barrier deep within your canal that could only be your cervix. "Ah, fuck," He shuddered, his eyes drifting down to where the two of you were joined, "Look at you...taking all of my cock...fucking gorgeous."You let out a small whine, you were almost painfully full and your insides felt somewhat raw from being stretched so much."its ok," Jeremiah soothed, nuzzling his face lightly against yours as his hand travelled down between your bodies to gently rub at your clit, "You're doing so fucking good, baby..." he said in grunts .His ministrations felt amazing and soon your sex felt hotter and wetter than you'd ever known. You were moaning and squirming. It felt like electricity was shooting through your body in the best sort of way and then suddenly you felt yourself come undone - your muscles contracted violently around Jeremiah's cock, causing the both of you to moan in pleasure as he began to move.He dragged himself back until just the head of his dick remained inside of you before sinking all the way back in, his balls gently slapping against your skin as he ground his hips into yours, only to repeat this motion moments later. He steadily began to pump himself into you, gradually increasing speed as he moved his hands down to grip at the curve of your hips, soft curses spilling from his mouth as your walls hugged his rigidity. It wasn't long before his thrusts became rough, the rhythm he had set became sloppy as he quietly moaned above you."Ah, fuck...fuck...I'm gonna -" Jeremiah's groaned, rutting into you harshly.
Suddenly pulling you to him so that your bodies were pressed together tightly, he buried his face into the crook of your neck and let out a primal growl. You felt his cock throbbing inside of you as he filled you with his hot essence - the excess of which managed to seep out of your seam and slide down your flesh. He continued to pump into you for a few moments until he began to soften and pulled himself from your body. As he laid beside you as you guys try catching your breath you snuggled beside him the last thing you remember before drifting of too sleep was Jeremiah kissing on the fourhead.

Jerome Valeska//Jerimiah Valeska One Shots Where stories live. Discover now