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"Heart Made Of Glass My Mind Of Stone."

How? How did it go from cuddling late nights talking about our futures together movie nights and date nights to.. To This ?? To being mentally abused sleeping on our couch meanwhile he is in bed with a whore to getting punched in the gut for mentioning it to Him. A tear rolled down my cheeck as I lay in a puddle in my own blood as I stare up at the sky. Only thing I hear is footsteps quickly approching as I decide to just close my eyes to wait for this all to end my life to be taken. The irony is i am gonna die in an ally like Jim predicted.

***Flashback nine hours before***
3d person POV

"This isnt love Y/N"

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT LOVE JIM HUH? Considering yours never last more than two months at most three"  Y/N shouts from the ally where her and Jim have guns pointed at one and other.

"Your right, but you can't tell me that he loves you so much as to hit you huh? Those bruises on your cheek aren't a sign of love neither is him leaving you stranded at the crime scene for you to fend for yourself"

"There wasnt another option Jim he couldnt risk it he belives I can do this on my own he Belives me" Y/N replies ignoring Jim's statment about her bruises

"Well I hope you relize before it's to late to late like when your dead in an ally because of that sick bastard." Jim says as a tranquilizer dart shoots out and hits Y/N on the neck .
She hits the floor and Jim orders her to be taken to Arkham.


"Let Me outta here before I kick. All your asses" Y/N states grabbing the bars as a guards stand by taunting her

"Come a little closer I dar-

A loud bomb goes off as. Y/N backs away from the bars a smirk spreads across he face but leaves as soon as she see's Echo

"Where is Jeremiah" y/n states dissapointment evident

"Jeremiah is a very busy Man Y/N he dosent have time to fix a mistake you made such as being caught by Jim and sent here" Echo states opening the bars to let Y/N out

" i-I lost focus he isnt mad is he." Y/n states looking at echo as they start walking to the exit

"Jeremiah is very disappointed, Yet I still dont know why he insist on keeping you." Echo grumbles the last part more to herself but Y/N heard and he heart breaks inside as her stomach sinks

The whole way back Home was quiet neither speaking

Entering the house Y/N starts going into her shared room with her lover but most of the days Jeremiah slept alone withought her

"Hey Jeremiah I wan-" Y/N stops talking as soon as she see's her lover in bed with another woman Jeremiah just gives her an annoyed look before speaking

"I am very busy right now Y/N now leave and close the door behind you"

"JER-"  Y/N was cut of by his booming voice


Y/N runs out the door and stays at the couch as tears stream down her face and emptyness soon enters
Hours pass and she still sits there curled up and crying.
She hears footsteps approach and Jeremiah appears in his lavish suit and stares at Y/N in disgust

"Y/N stop your crying its very fustrating as well as go clean up your face looks fat and eyes swollen. Not a pretty picture."

"No I decide im leaving. And never coming back you don't deserve m-

* Slap*

Y/N falls to the floor but gets up quickly only to see a mad Jeremiah

"You are not leaving me  dear"

Y/N backs up and is pressed against the window

"At least not alive." Jeremiah in a Swift motion kickes her breaking the glass and making her fall as Y/n desperately tries grabbing onto something

********End of Flashback******

Jeremiah aproches Y/N body only to find it limp and unresponsive panic starts to set in

"Y/N" no response as Jeremiah kneels down
"Y/n wake up im sorry ok. I was clouded by anger just wake up stay alive" he grabs her and sets her onto his lap
Still no answer
"Im sorry im sorry I couldn't be the man I once was I didnt apreciate you enough forgive me my dear Y/N" Jeremiah kisses y/n and sets her down on top of the building Echo is watching the scene backing away from the window a smirk appears he can finally be hers and tresured as she goes to sweep up the mess and comfort her Jeremiah
Since that day every thing Jeremiah does is for his Y/N tho he never told anyone but its all for her in her memory. Jeremiah is with Echo now but he doesn't consider her his lover more sex buddy and his slave to do dirty work for him.
Nothing is ever the same.

Jerome Valeska//Jerimiah Valeska One Shots Where stories live. Discover now