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Jeremiah takes jerome's diary out of his dresser and flips through the pages as he sits on his arm-chair taking a sip of his wiskey  Trying to Decipher some of Jerome's words since he had the hand writing of a child obviously nobody had helped his brother and Jerome was most likly self taught. Jeremiah can feel tings of Guilt as he is reading Jeromes diary and most expirences but this one's most intresting to Jeremiah

***Jerome's Past***

Jerome gets off the Trailer as they finally made it to arizona it was spring so it was definetly hot and as jerome got off he could see a liquor store not far craving a candy bar Jerome walks to Mr.Cicero's trailer and walks in as he enters he see's Mr.Cicero on the couch reading his book Jerome once tried to learn brail but got faustrated quickly "Hey Mr.Cicero." Jerome says as he opens the fridge but to his dismay finds nothing. "Jerome? You guys finnally arived." "Yeah,hey can i borrow two dollar's from you?" Jerome asked as he watched Mr.Cicero lay his book down "Here just take a ten consider it birthday money." Jerome's mood instantly sours as his birthday was comming up soon "Thanks." He snatched the money out of Ciceros hand and exited the trailer as he makes his way to the liquor store he See's a girl around his age sitting on the side walk he ignores her as he walkes in and instantly goes to the candy section and gets two Snikers as he finishes paying for them he goes back to the circus he hides one of the snikers and starts eating  the other as he walks around trying to be discreet so none of the circus people will call him over to make him do chores. "Hey." Jerome Jumps slightly startled and turns around to find the same girl who was by the store right in front of him "Hi?" Jerome says quizley "You New? Ive never seen ya" the girl says head tilted slightly "No i dont live around here im parta the circus." Jerome states taking the last bite of his candy and throwing away the rapper "oh what do you do?" She says as she leans back on a trailer " Clean up after em." Jerome says in a bad mood "mhm seems fun." The girl states sarcastically "im jerome" jerome says sticking his arm out for the girl to shake "Y/N" she states as she shakes his hand only to scrunch her face up as she retracts her hand that now has sweat "gross" Y/N says wipping her hand in her shirt Jerome chuckles "its hot here" "meh"
After that day every time the circus comes around in spring Jerome is sure to find Y/n waiting for him after that day his birthdays became bearable he learned Y/N is a street girl who was abounded by her parents at age 13 since then she has been fending for herself and she is good at it. She knows how to fight and on some occasions helped J out when the other circus idiots teased him for having a whore mom evreything changed when they were walking in the street to their famous ice cream shop y/n's favriote ice cream being chuncky monkey and jeromes Chocalate as they were coming back laughing they rounded the coner only to be stopped by a gang "Look what we have here two. Love birds" a guy growls as he pulls out a knife jerome and y/n stop dead jerome not really knowing what to do "pay up this is our turff and to tress pass theres a fine" another says "We dont have anything we could give you ice cream" y/n suggest sarcastically jerome would have laughed if the guy didnt lunge foward to grab her onky for jerome to sock him dead in the nose the guy steps back and shows blood from his nose "oh you wanna play ruff" the thug says as he snaos his fingers as somone grabs Y/N and jerome each scarred to death at this point they were scared shitless both look at eachother with worry "Ill show you something to be scared about" the guy says grabbing his knife thrusting it into Y/N jeromes painful screams being muffled as he thrashes The thug keeps thrusting the knife into y/n's side then singles the other to stop holding her as she falls he kicks her one time before leaving being followed by his posey as they leave jerome quickly goes to her side and cries as she smiles "do..nt cr..y fff.or m e J" she could barley manage "i love you Y/N stay please ill take you anywhere you wanna go ill do anything" jerome states tears falling on his cheeks only to be pulled of her by cicero "NO LET ME GO!" jerome starts to thrash but fails and just gets dragged by cicero once they get to the trailer he cries more "I..I SHOULD HAVE TOOK HER TO SEE THE MUSEUM WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE" he wails recalling every dream she had like visiting the Eiffel tower and skydiving and having two kids
Since that day Jerome became misserable he hated birthdays
Thats also the time jerome became a softy to chuncky monkey Every kill he dedicates to Y/N in his head evrey part of him will always belong to her and the only time he ever saw her was in death so when he got ressurected he was disappointed but rembers her words before he went "Oh Jay your getting a second chance its lovely make em pay for betraying you" she says almost angelic "but whata bout you i cant leave you" he states " ill be waiting and watching you J" she beams kissing him rembering this jerome smiles as he is up on the roof with Gordan happy he can be with his love.


As Jeremiah finishes his brothers diary he chuckles before Tossing it in the fire "if someone as dumb as Jerome can have love so can I... But wh-" Jeremiahs words cut shortly as ecco entered holding a tray with eggs and bacon with pancake's "Its 7 am your breaksfast schedule assuming you were busy i brought it to you." Jeremiahs smile stretched further
"its quiet alright dearest. In fact come here and sit with me will you?"

A/N ## So this was shitty but i have like 5 Short stories done an ready to go so...

Jerome Valeska//Jerimiah Valeska One Shots Where stories live. Discover now