Chapter Forty-Two: Ordered - The Druid

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As they approached the giant tree a voice appeared in their head. Sounded, echoed, or called out wasn't the right word for it. They could almost see the voice, as though a manifestation of a voice appeared in their heads and they knew that the others could feel it too.

"Come in. I have a lot to talk about." The voice, or rather presence, spoke. "Don't worry about your wagon. It won't be messed with."

"Who are you?" asked Celesta.

"Good question, but you'll have to wait your turn to ask. Come in."


"I've already said why." The voice was now clearly annoyed. "Just come in."


"Fine, you're already inside anyways." Their surroundings had then started to dissipate into a cozy room that looked like a study. "Now, if you just do what I ask things won't be so confusing for you."

"When did y-" Celesta couldn't finish her sentence, but not from surprise. Rather it was just because her voice had seemed to leave her. She could feel the air go through her vocal chords and create speech, but they made no sound.

"It's my turn for questions. Firstly, who are you?" Celesta opened up her mouth to shout curses and spew out spells to hurt the man that was in front of the group but no sound came. "and it was a question for everybody, so feel free to speak whenever you feel like it."

"I am Seilana." She had changed once they entered the study. "I also go by Seilan when I am shaped like a man."

"Interesting, and how do you change shape?"

"I don't have it down to specifics and I still have some trouble activating it at will, but I am a summoned human."


"Winter." her tone was flat, like usual.

"That's not your real name though, is it." the man turned the corners of his lips into a small smile. "I prefer if you told me your real name."

"Ellondra Ventisca" She hated her name, but it came out of her like it was driven out. Like it was fished out of her throat by someone else.

"Hm, a Huven. That's why it's so difficult to do things in your vicinity. I like that."

"I am Voleria."

"Oh, I think you are one of the many druidic insects out in the world. At least your species is."

"Druidic?" asked Seilana.

"It means that it was created by a druid to fill a role in the environment, whatever that role was."

"What is my role?" asked the mass of bugs. It was very curious to know why its species was created.

"Well, I can imagine it was to stop interspecies conflicts. But, maybe not at the level that you're displaying now. This was most likely unprecedented and unforeseen."

"I am Celesta!" Shouted the Queen. She had been running her mouth the whole time everyone had been talking trying to cast a curse or spell that would get her out of this jinx that made her sit politely and become mute. "The White Queen, the Slayer of Magi Supremes, Chosen of Dratma, Succession of Celestria, True Daughter of the Council, and the Ruler of the Magi."

"Wow, to be chosen by two gods. You must be something then."

"I am! And who might you be to be demanding answers?" The old man before them moved his gaze from Celesta to Winter, then Seilana, and finally Voleria before looking at the ground. He stared for a minute before someone spoke again.

"Your name?" shouted Celesta.

"I would have answered you, but I seem to have forgotten it. It's been many years since I've had to introduce myself. When I remember I will let you know."

"How long then?" asked Seilana

"How long what?"

"How long has it been since you introduced yourself?"

"At least 392 years. It might be a little more than that, but that's the number I got going in my head."

"What are you?"

"A Druid's apprentice. I haven't finished my training quite yet. I need to do one more thing."

"A Druid? That explains a lot." grumbled Celesta. "But why were you asking us who we were? Aren't Druids supposed to know everything?"

"I would know everything, but I'm still an apprentice. I need to do one more thing."

"And that would be?" asked Winter, intrigued with everything that was being discussed. 

"I don't know. I was never told, and it is part of the training to not know what the final step is."

"How long did it take your master to finish the last step?"

"I think he told me that it took him around a year to do it. But he was beyond any other Druid. The most powerful of them all, with a failure of an apprentice, who can't finish his final step after 400 years."

"How long does Druid training take?" asked Celesta.

"He had told me that the average is around 200 years to complete training, and then you can do whatever it is that you like. Like become a tree for the rest of existence and beyond, if one so wanted to."

"Is that all then?" asked Celesta.

"What?" asked the Druid

"Is that all you wanted to ask us?" said Celesta.

"Oh no. Why are you headed this way. It's been quite a long time since anyone has been on their way to Breil. I can't imagine why, she's been so hostile as of late."

"Is that the name of The Six?


"Is that the name of The Six?"

"No, it's the name of my master's favorite pet. Well, companion would be a better word. She's a small snake with gold and red scales."

"Then what is The Six?" Somehow, to her amazement, Celesta was able to throw up her arms when she asked her question.

"How did you get those scars? Who did such an awful thing to you?"

"My failed usurpers. They've tr-"

"No, not those scars. The other ones. The ones on your arms, and I guess your legs too now that I'm really paying attention. That is very powerful and forbidden magic."

"Oh, those?" She gazed towards her arms. "I've done them to myself, so I don't feel the pain of doing it anymore."

"How reckless can you be!" the Druid stood up and towered over Celesta. "How could you do something that goes so against nature! You are beyond lucky that there are healers near you who must have spent their entire life learning the restorative arts that are able to bring your arms and legs back! Do you have any idea what it is that you're doing to yourself when you do that? I know the power is beyond anything you can achieve normally, but th-"

"Old man." Celesta looked the Druid dead on in his eyes. "I don't care. And you know not what lengths I would go to in making sure that I can combat all that my people need me to. Until you can understand my position, your opinions hold no weight and your whole existence is meaningless to me. You are beneath me, failed druid. You are beneath all of us, and the power you use isn't even truly yours. How do you live with yourself, knowing that you've failed what is the greatest task you've ever taken up in your worthless life."

"I would kill you with a thousand deaths right now were it not for the code that I live by." The Druid was red in the face, and his face was contorted with the rage and power of a hundred dying suns. "I'll leave you to your fate then. While I cannot affect the outcome of your journey, I hope you, Queen, suffer and die."

Before another word could be spoken they found themselves on the road again. As though they had never stopped. The tree that Celesta had snapped, though, was unbroken.

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