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Promise Bless POV
February 8, 2019

"Please rise. The Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, Criminal Division, is now in session, the Honorable Judge presiding Judge Karen. Everyone but the jury may be seated. The prosecution must prove that a crime was committed and that the defendant is the person who committed the crime." The baliff said loudly as soon as I walked into the court.

"City Of San Juan VS. Promise Valentines". One of the officers said.

Judge Karen looked at me while shaking her head. I knew I was in some deep trouble. She said if I came to her court again I was going to jail.

"If it's isn't Ms. Promise bless. Girl you get in trouble more than you change your panties. What she's in here for now". Judge Karen scoffed.

"Possession of Marijuana In the car, possession of a gun, driving with suspended license, and assault of a police officer". The baliff read while looking at the paper works.

"That's five years right there Promise. Let's see if you're going to get yourself out of this". Judge Karen laughed.

"Well officer she just might. The police officer forgot to Mirandarize her. And the law in Puerto Rico states that if they don't get Mirandarize than they are free to go". My lawyer said.

"You forgot to Mirandarize her". Judge Karen shrieked.

"You honor that girl may seem sweet on the outside but she's pure evil on the inside. She attacked me". The lady officer said in defense.

"As much as I hate it I have to let you go promise. And I know I won't ever see you in my court again". Judge Karen said.

I smirked and slapped hands with my lawyer who was also a Drug King In Puerto Rico. And he was also my uncle from my daddy's side. My uncle use to be my daddy right hand man but my dad moved to Chicago to work with the Haitan Carter and In return he let my Uncle lead the Puerto Rican Carter. My dream is to oneday become a Drug Queen and take over the throne just like my daddy.

"You're not completely off the hook Promise. The law states that if you don't get Mirandarize than you don't go to jail or prison but you will be banned from Puerto Rico". The judge announced causing my heart to drop. "You will be send to live with your father In Miami Florida and will have a year probation. You won't have to wear a ankle braclet but you will have to take anger management therapy In Florida. You have exactly two days to leave the country. If you ever step foot In Puerto Rico and any cities in Puerto Rico than you will be send to Jail. Case dismiss". Judge Karen said while slamming the gravel on the desk.

I turned around and my mama bust out crying. I wasn't finna cry because I don't like to cry but seeing my sister and mama sad because of me really made me feel sad. I knew I wasn't finna leave the streets alone though. Maybe staying with my father will be the best.

Two Days Later

"Why you have to follow your father footsteps". My mama cried as we was standing in the middle of the airport. My plane was leaving in 2 minutes so I had some time to spare.

"I'm sorry mama that I disappointed you. But I'm just like my father and like he said the streets is in my blood." I said hugging my mama.

"You stay out of trouble girl. You not go know how bad you're hurting me until you have a child of your own to protect. I love you Promise Bless". My mama cried before letting me go.

I looked at her one good time before walking off to get on my plane. I turned around and seen she was still crying while looking at me. "I love you too mama". I said to her before leaving and never looking back.

It was so hard to say goodbye to Puerto Rico but I knew I had to. My new journey starts now.......

6 hours Later
8:21 PM
Jacksonville Florida

I walk in the center of the Airport and looked around for my father and his big ass security guys. After being on a plane for 6 hours straight I was ready to get settled In and go to sleep and I was so ready to see my little sisters and my best friends. Only time I come to Jacksonville is on Summer Breaks, Thanksgiving Breaks, Christmas Breaks, And Spring breaks. Last time I seen everyone was during Christmas break which was last month.

A familiar face caught my eyes and I seen it was my boy best friend Melly. I haven't seen him for two years because he was locked up. Everytime I came down during holiday breaks I didn't bother to visit him because of various reasons.

"Melly". I screamed dropping my bags and running into his arms. He picked me up and spun me around.

"Man I miss you so much girl". He mumbled while holding onto me tight.

Me and Jamell had so much history. I met him when I was 5 years old and we clicked ever since then. It was one summer time and my daddy was just starting to work with Melly's dad and Big Saint introduced me to Melly and his daughter who is also my best friend Molly. Melly is my first everything. First kiss, First Love, First Boyfriend, First person to have sex with, First Person to break my heart and I had so much love for him. We was 7 when we first kissed, 16 when we first had sex and when he became my boyfriend, and when I was 17 I found out I was truly in love with him when he got arrested. My heart was broken by him two years ago when he was In jail. It was the day I had to go home because summer break was over and I had visited him in jail before I left and he broke up with me and told me to move on and that literally shattered my heart. I cried for months over him and I never cried over a guy and I barely cry at all. It broke my heart when melly told me to let go. He didn't answer none of my calls after that or my letters and I just gave up because I thought he gave up on me.

I didn't realize I had tears coming down my eyes until Melly grabbed my Chin and looked into my eyes. He pecked my lips but I pulled away and tried to stop myself from crying.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Promise. I don't like to see you cry man". He sadly said while holding on me tight.

"You don't care if you hurt me or not Jamell. You literally broke my heart and all I did was try to be a good girlfriend while you was locked up. You didn't answer my calls, you ignored my letters, you even told the police people not to let me see you. I thought you loved me". I cried.

"I do love you Promise. I haven't been the same since the break up and I'm sorry for all the shit I put you through. You the only female I ever love and I want you to know that."

"Why you left me Jamell". I asked as my lips tremble.

I tried my best not to cry but I couldn't help myself. Seeing Melly really brought thoughts to my head. I was Angry, Sad, happy all at once.

"I had to let you go Promise. They was suppose to be giving me five years but I got out early. I wanted you to be happy. You a had a whole life ahead of you and I didn't want you to worry about me. If I truly loved you then I had to let you go".

"I didn't want to let you go Melly. I wanted to hold you down like a real girlfriend was suppose to do". I told him. "I can't even look at guys in a boyfriend type of way because they're not you".

"I'm sorry promise". He said looking me in the eye. He knew I get nervous when he looks me In the eye with a straight face.

"Yeah okay." I looked away and dried my tears from my face. I was finally finished with my crying section.

Melly grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "I'm sorry promise". He sincerely said before pecking my lips.

"Ok Melly but things can't just go back the same so quick. Being just friends is good for right now." I told him and he nodded his head.

"I understand. I just want you to forgive me and I don't want to see you cry. I hate it when you cry". He told me while grabbing my hands and walking me out of the airport.

All my luggage was send to my father house yesterday so it was in my room at my father's house.

Not going to lie the conversation I had with Melly made me feel so much better and it was a huge burden lifted off of me. I missed Melly so much and the feelings I still had for him was still in me. Real love never ends.

To be continued.

Promise Melly Where stories live. Discover now