3 peat

41 2 1

1. Everything if fine life is great I'm alive I got food on my table and clothes on my back
I'm stress free and there's nothing holding me back
free like loose change and no longer a slave to depression
everything's wonderful no need to start stressin
It was blurry for a moment but I finally get the message
See god was just testing me to see if my faith strong
Darkness was here but I knew it wouldn't stay long
I'm a child of god and no storm or weapon shall prosper
Not harsh words
Sticks or stones
Bad news or gossip
I am finally...happy
2. Life hitting me hard but I'm still here
Driving me a lil crazy but somehow managed to steer clear of too much pain
My eyes start to rain I think they're called tear drops
I want to break down at this point but I cannot
I have to stay strong remember
I was fine a few months ago that was way back in December
I want to express how I feel but this anxiety leaves me hindered to wallow in my pain alone and manage to smile
....What happened to my smile
Know what maybe I need some rest
This is just another test....
3. Dear god this is my 4 prayer all day
I'm at my lowest point and I'm questioning my faith
Everything around me is crumpling
Don't know if I can stay
Here much longer with all this pain and I'll end up willowing away
I try to pray but I don't know if you're listening
Can you hear me
I can't take this feeling anymore please heal me
My heart is my permanent tumor
Tired of the lies and the rumors
The more it grows the more people hurt me
The medicine doesn't help and neither does burnt trees
My mind is a battle field
Fighting demons can't tell fake love real
Deception and art and I am a canvas ...
I start to give up thinking a dream of happiness is over and maybe depression won
But just when I'm at my lowest you bless me and I go back to 1

Sincerely, him

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