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Black male bodies seem to be a special type of magnetic attracting metal bullets from white cops hand guns
then our bodies drop like the charges pressed against them
The cop will paint the body on the ground in a negative way to make it seem like he's a victim when there's no positive out look on this
tying his best to make his lies sound honest
saying he was threatened by his now muted body language and felt scared when he reached for his 9 millimeter iPhone now his mom is up waiting for him to come home but he won't be there
Now the cop gets a vacation while his mother makes funeral arrangements
seems as though these things happen too often how many times will a young black man lay in a coffin because of the racism in America
which doesn't present itself only in our justice system but in America as whole because since till (Emmett) racism never stopped
still white people continue to kill like they get a thrill of seeing a black person turn a little bit pale once life leaves him getting him close to "the right color"

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