Chapter 5

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"So, whats your favorite color?"

Keith glanced over to Lance. His expression cold and unforgiving. This was really Shiros best idea to fix him? Paring him up with some random jock?

He leaned back in his seat, choosing not to answer Lance. Obviously Lance was trained someway on dealing with Keith. They wouldn't just throw him at Keith and hope for the best.

So in a way you could say Lance was a therapist. Trying to get into Keiths head and fix him. But he didnt need fixing.

"So what, we're just gonna sit outside and not talk?" Lance questioned. Raising an eyebrow at the shorter boy.

Keith remained quiet. Picking at the dirt on the picnic table in front of him.

"Yeah." He said coldly before standing up. He wasn't interested in talking with Lance. He looked to the brunette with a cold glare before turning on his heals and leaving.

With Shiro, standing up and leaving worked. Shiro never ran after Keith. But Lance? Lance did.

Within seconds he felt a hand clasp around his wrist, tugging him back.

"Common Keith, lets have a conversation for at least five minutes. Then you can go in." Lance said desperately.


This chapter is shit but i just wanted to give y'all something
Any suggestions for future chapters?

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