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Song of the chapter: Maybe IDK by Jon Bellion

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Song of the chapter: Maybe IDK by Jon Bellion

"Jesus!" I shoot up out of my bed, glancing down at myself. My sweater is torn, I can see my legs through the holes in my leggings, and I still have Jason's jacket on. My head hurts like someone stomped on it for an hour, and parts of my hair feel crispy. The alarm on the digital clock next to my bed begins blaring through my room and I slam my hand down on it, obliterating the entire thing. Pieces of plastic and wires fly everywhere, my eyes widening as I pull my hand away from the mess.   

I shake my head, wander into the bathroom attached to my room, and look in the mirror. My face is cut in a few places and my hair has a spot of dried blood. My hand reaches into the jacket pocket and pulls out the silver stone from the mines. I glance at it before setting it on the edge of the sink.

I spin around and turn on the water in the shower, making sure the handle is on hot, then I tear off all of my clothes, glancing at my bruised up body in the mirror. I open up the medicine cabinet above the sink and pull out a bottle of ibuprofen. While I struggle with the cap, the bottle suddenly breaks open. Pills fly all over the bathroom floor and I look down at my hands.   

"What the fuck wrong with me?" I whisper. Shaking my head, I quickly pick up all of the spilled pills and put them into the broken bottle. I pop two in my mouth and get some water from the sink, hoping that it'll help my headache a little bit.

Once the water in the shower is hot enough, I hop in and wash the dirt and blood from my body. Honestly, I was hoping that the accident was all some crazy dream, but it was definitely real. As I rinse the shampoo out of my hair the soapy water turns red, indicating that I was indeed hit by a train. I quickly rinse the rest of the shampoo and conditioner out of my hair, remembering that I still have to be at school.

I turn the water off and wrap a towel around my body, rushing into my room and picking out a fresh pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and Jason's jacket. Even after everything that happened, it still smells like him and it actually doesn't look like it went through the accident. It's almost in perfect condition. I apply a small amount of makeup and slip my feet into my black sneakers before grabbing my phone, my keys, and my bag.   

"Shit! My car's still at Kim's!" I groan, running down the stairs. A small buzzing noise catches my attention, but when I look back nothing seems different. Nobody else is home, so I can't borrow Jen or my dad's car. My eyes scan the kitchen and stop when I spot my stone sitting on the counter. "Didn't I leave you in the bathroom?" I cautiously pick it up, shoving it in my jacket pocket. Sorry Jason, the jacket's mine now.

I sling my bag over my shoulder and head outside, a surprised squeak passing through my lips as I find my car sitting neatly in the driveway. Instead of questioning it, I hop in and head to school.


"Nice jacket." I smile, closing my locker and turning to meet him.   

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