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Song of the chapter: (This chapter includes two songs, I will leave a note of the best time to change to the next song!) First song- Unsteady by X Ambassadors

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Song of the chapter: (This chapter includes two songs, I will leave a note of the best time to change to the next song!) First song- Unsteady by X Ambassadors. Second song- Unstoppable by The Score

The metal on my Zord starts morphing and the clang of metal distracts me from the unbearable sounds of screaming from my friends. Everything starts moving differently. It feels as if we're moving up, not down. The heat seems to slowly decrease, and suddenly, I am very high off the ground. I glance down, seeing us all morphed together as one giant action-figure type machine. I look at what I am as a part, deducing from how high up I am that I'm probably the head. Jason starts panting.

"We're alive..."

"Guys! We're alive! We're like one big... uh... One big Zord! Like a Momma Zord or... No, no, no, that sounds lame. Um... a Megazord!" I feel a smile creep onto my lips as I peer out of the glass at Goldar and Rita. He reaches down and picks her up, and it looks like he completely absorbs her.

"Shit..." Me and Jason mumble.

"Bring it on!" Trini growls.

"Everyone, let's go!" Jason orders, and everyone throws their controls forward. Suddenly the ground is extremely close. Everyone starts arguing about what part of the body they're assigned.

"We all have to move together." Kim pulls us up and we regain our balance. "All together on three. One, two, three!" We begin running at Goldar, full speed ahead. Trini throws a punch, knocking Goldar back a little bit. Goldar gets a hit in and gives Kimberly the chance to throw a hook.

"I wish I could punch!" Billy yells. I headbutt Goldar, stunning him so that Billy can throw the foot forward into his chest. Goldar stumbles backward, knocking down electrical towers. He regains his balance and his hand morphs into a sword, destroying part of a building.

"Uh, Jason, we got anything for that?" Zack asks.

"Remember the pit?" He asks. Zack nods and Billy complains. "Ready?" We all confirm, watching as Goldar begins to charge at us. "Now!" We all press our controls forward, yelling out the command.

"Slip! Grab!" Our arms wrap around Goldar and I smile. This is gonna be fun. "Lift!" We fly backwards, slamming him into the ground. I bounce around a little as we hit the ground, hanging upside down.

"Kim, Trini, pull back on the arms. We've got swords." Jason snarls and the girls pull out the two blades from our back. Goldar reaches up to get another hit in as they press the blades through his chest. Rita shoots out of his chest, yelling for us to wait. We kneel down and I pull the head a tiny bit closer.

"Look at me. You think you've won? I came for the crystal. Others will come! What you have, it can't last! You know I'm right!" She yells, pointing her sharp nails at us. She looks defeated, as if this is her last attempt at anything against us.

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