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Song of the chapter: I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Jasmine Thompson

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Song of the chapter: I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Jasmine Thompson

"Olivia. Wake up, sweetie." My eyes open and I raise my hand to shield them from the brightness of the room I'm in. "Good, you're awake." Once my eyes adjust, I search for the source of the voice. At first all I find is an empty, completely white room. White walls, white floor, a white bed with white blankets and pillows. Then, I turn around and there she is.


"Hi, Olivia." Her smile is exactly how I remember, beautiful and bright, contagious as ever. I feel a smile plaster on my face as she widens her arms, pulling me into a hug. I take a deep breath, her scent bringing back so many memories. I can feel myself breaking down, so I pull away and look into her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't dad tell me?" I ask, restricting myself to two questions at a time. Her grin falls into a sad smile and she places her cold hands on my cheeks.

"Sweetie, you were so young. I didn't want you to experience such a harsh world yet. I know that it wasn't right to tell you that I packed up and left, but I figured you'd find out the truth when you were ready. I'm sorry if you feel hurt, I thought that was what was best." I smile.

"I know. I've missed you so much." She pulls me into another hug and she plants a kiss on the top of my head.

"Just know that I've been watching over you this whole time." She mumbles.

"Do you know why dad is so strict?" I blurt, not thinking before I ask.

"I know he seems like he's being a jerk, but I promise you that he's only trying to make sure you have a bright future. He loves you, and he wants what's best for you, he just didn't have a good way of showing it. I mean, look at how many times we argued." I nod, then my brows furrow.

"Why did you guys argue so much?" She sighs, pulling me to sit down on the bed with her.

"You have to understand, while I was trying to get treatment, I wasn't able to work and at that time, your father didn't have a very good job so he didn't make enough money to both pay for my treatment and support his family. I told him that it would be more beneficial to buy groceries than to pay for another chemo treatment, but he insisted that my condition was more important. We fought over that a lot. He's a stubborn man, I'll give you that." I laugh, a tear slipping out of my eye. My mom reaches up and wipes it away, looking at my face.

"Am I dead?" I ask, suddenly remembering what happened.

"Uh, yeah, kind of." She nods, watching me cautiously. I nod, looking around."You haven't fully transitioned yet."

"Have you seen Billy?" She nods.

"Yeah, he's here too. I miss that kid, he was always so sweet." A sad laugh escapes my lips. She remembers him. "He recognized me, y'know. He remembered me."

"Yeah, he used to ask where you were for a long time after you passed away. He misses your no-bake cookies." Me and my mom start talking about our favorite memories, and she asks me how I've been, asks about the high school boys, and about all this Power Ranger stuff. I try to explain it, but I don't understand a lot of it myself.

"No, I pushed it. And as usual, I made the wrong decision. Out of- out of fear, anger... I don't know. I was just so angry. He's a great kid, you know? And he loved us. He loved being a Ranger. I'm sorry, guys. I'd trade my life for yours if I could."

"Was that Jason?" I ask, looking around.

"I think so, I don't understand how you can hear him in here. I haven't ever found a strong enough connection to the real world to be able to communicate vocally." My mother says, just as confused as me.

"Maybe he traded his life for us." Kim.

"Yeah, probably did. I would." Zack.

"It's just the five of us now. The truth is, whatever we've said to each other, it doesn't matter. This. This is the only thing that matters."

"She's right." Trini.

"Zordon! Zordon! Look at the grid! This is your time! Do you see it? The grid is open! Step through!" Alpha.

"Yes, I see it. I see it." Zordon. I can hear everyone, but I don't know where it's coming from. Sudden;y the room grows extremely bright and Alpha's cries and shouts are muffled by the buzzing and humming that bounces off the walls. I grab onto my mom, panic rising in my chest as the lights blink and the noises get louder. She wraps her arms around me protectively and searches for the source of the event.

"Olivia!" Billy yells. I stand up and yank him into a hug, feeling guilty and responsible for him being here. He returns the gesture, his chin resting on my shoulder. I squeeze him into a bear hug, half checking to see if he's really here, half making sure he doesn't disappear. 

"I'm so sorry, Billy. It's all my fault, if I would've just-"

"Hey, it's okay, but right now we don't have the time for this. Come with me!" He yells, trying to pull me away. I pull out of his grasp and run back to my mother.

"I think Billy found a way out for us, will you come with?" She smiles.

"My time is up, your time isn't. I have to stay here and make sure it's ready for when you come back to me." My eyes gloss over as I pull her into a hug. She squeezes me and I relish in the feeling before letting go of her to follow Billy. A strange looking man appears in front of us, a glowing doorway shining brightly behind him.

"Hello, Billy. Olivia." He nods to us. "The Morphing Grid has opened and this is your chance to get back to your team. You must pass through together at exactly the same time in order for you both to be revived."

"Are-are you Zordon?" Billy asks.

"Yes, I am." Billy nods, his face displaying a mixture of pure terror and excitement. 

"So, we count to three and step through that door at the same time?" I ask. He nods. "What about you?"

"I realized that there is only room for one Red Ranger, and that is Jason. My time as the Red Ranger is done, and it is his turn to lead his team against Rita. Now go, before it closes." We nod, walking past him and standing in front of the doorway. Billy nods at me and I reach out a shaking hand towards him, grabbing onto his. I take a deep breath, and look up at my best friend.

The buzzing noise fills my ears and the light shines on his face, illuminating his deep brown eyes. He looks scared, but there is hope in his eyes. That's part of the reason I made it my goal to make Billy my best friend. He was, and still is always full of hope, even in the darkest and most terrifying times.

"You ready?" I ask.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"One... two... three..."


Boom, don't you just love my cliff hangers? No, well... sorry not sorry. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and I hope you weren't too emotional. I know I was...

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