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Song of the chapter: False Confidence by Noah Kahan

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Song of the chapter: False Confidence by Noah Kahan

Darkness. I can't move, I can't see, I can't speak. But I can hear. And if I could move, I'd be freaking the fuck out.

"Zordon, what? Why didn't you step through?" Alpha asks. "That was your only chance."

"I know. But, there were others that needed to come back more than myself." I hear Billy coughing up water, and wonder why I haven't done the same yet. I sit still and wait, fearing that for some reason, it didn't work. I can hear feet shuffling and people speaking, and I catch a hint of Billy's voice in there.

"I saw my dad in there..." Even if I can't physically smile, I am on the inside. I know how much he loved his dad.

My throat starts bubble up abruptly. I can feel the water rising and my mouth falls open, water rushing over my face. I take in a deep breath, air filling my lungs instead of water. It takes a moment for my eyes to open, but eventually they do and shoot up off of the floor. Kim turns to me and her smile widens even more. She makes sure Billy is stable before rushing over and pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms weakly around her, still getting used to being back in my real body. This is some crazy shit.

"Are you okay?" Trini asks. I nod.

"I'm as okay as a technically undead person can be." I shrug, smiling. The girls help me up off of the floor and Zack smiles, pulling me into a hug.

"Welcome back." I focus on gaining my balance and nod my head. We pull apart and I sigh.

"Good to be back."

"Olivia?" Kim and Trini release their grip on me and Jason appears in front of me. His arms wrap around me and he pulls me into him, clutching onto me like if he doesn't I'll die again. "I thought you were gone for good. You scared the shit outta me." I wrap my arms around him happily.

"Well, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. You can't get rid of me that easily." He chuckles, pulling out of the hug. His arms stay firmly around my waist and as I look up into his eyes, they're filled with tears. "Why are you crying?" I let out a sympathetic laugh.

"I did what you asked me to. I made sure Billy got out of the water first. After I knew he was out I pulled you out but you were already gone, and I couldn't do anything. I-I-I carried you all the way here and then Zordon said he couldn't do anything and it was all my fault-" I place my hand over his mouth softly and smile.

"Don't you dare even believe for a second that it was your fault."

"But then when Billy came back, I looked at you and you were still laying there, lifeless. I thought only Billy got to come back. I was happy, but seeing you like that... it broken me. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't came back." I shrug.

"Well, a little birdie on the other side told me it wasn't my time yet so I figured I would come back and make sure you're alright." He gives me a confused look. "My mother. It was crazy, she was exactly how I remembered her." I smile, ranting on about my mother. "Why are you staring?" I ask, pausing.

"Because all of this made me realize something. I can't be afraid to say things to people because I never know if they're gonna be there to say it to later on. So right now, I'm gonna say something I've been kinda afraid to say." He looks me straight in the eyes and smiles. "You are absolutely gorgeous." My eyes widen and my cheeks heat up. I did not expect that at all.

"Do you really mean that?" I ask.

"I do. Like I said, while you were gone I thought about all of the things I never said to you and I beat myself up for not saying them. Which reminds me, I have a question."

"Ask away."

"Can I kiss you?" He blurts quietly, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Yeah." He smiles, tilting his head down. I lean forward and press my lips to his, feeling his shoulders almost immediately relax beneath my hands. His lips are soft, and fit perfectly with mine. I feel every possible kissing cliche right now. Butterflies in my stomach, fireworks in my head, tingles in the tips of my fingers. It's all foreign to me, but I don't mind it at all. I pull away from him, a toothy grin on my face. His cheeks are hot pink and his eyes are open wide.

"Remember when I said I wanted to live in the present, not the past?" He nods. "Let's do that right now. Let's stop worrying about what you did or didn't do, what you could've said, all that. Forget about it, and live right now. What do you want to do right now?"

"Can I kiss you again?" I smile.

"You can kiss me anytime you want." His lips touch mine again, but this time the others notice and start cheering us on, making me laugh. I pull away from Jason and look at Billy. He smiles and I pull myself out of Jason's grip to hug him. "We made it." I say as I squeeze him in my arms.

"Yeah we did, Olivia." I pull away from Billy and look at Kim. She has a smug grin on her face and I silently question her.

"I told you it was gonna happen." She shrugs, gesturing to Jason. I nod.

"That you did." Jason pulls Billy into a hug and pats his back.

"Welcome back, my friend." He smiles at Billy, holding him by the shoulders.

"Oh, we gotta go to Krispy Kreme, Jason." Billy sighs.

"What?" Zack chuckles.

"Not for the donuts." Reality hits us all like a ton of bricks and we share a glance. Everyone knows what needs to happen next.

We all step onto our separate platforms, glancing at each other with hope. For the first time, this might just work. Jason stands at the base of his platform, and looks at each of us.

"It's morphin' time." He growls, stepping onto the glowing platform. The Morphing Grid glows brightly, spinning quickly and changing. I stick my arms out in front of me, watching for any sign of my armor. The pride I have in our team sits in the front of my mind and I glance up, looking around at each and every one of them. A smile falls onto my face and my arms begin to change, a dark colored mesh covering them before the silver armor takes its place. It crawls up my arms, then spans over my torso and down my legs, then finally my head.

Once my armor has fully morphed, I look around. Trini is head to toe in yellow, Zack looks like a sleek, modern ninja, Kimberly is stunning in pink, Billy is in his good old blue, and Jason, looking like a true leader in his red suit. I smile from beneath my helmet, glancing down at my silver-flaked armor once more.

Jason leads us out of the ship, fully prepared to take on Rita. As we run through the cavern, Trini stops us.

"Look." My eyes widen as I watch putties come crawling over the hill. Rita is building her army, who knows when she'll finish building Goldar. We need to hurry. 


Oof I might get this whole book finished instead of going to bed. Whoops. Who needs sleep anyways? Hope you enjoyed, more to come soon! Also, Jason and Olivia FINALLY got their moment! Possible ship names??? Joliva? Olivason? Jasivia? Idk, leave your suggestions in the comments!

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