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Song of the chapter: Kiss With A Fist by Florence + The Machine

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Song of the chapter: Kiss With A Fist by Florence + The Machine

The next day is the same. School was boring, but I've actually been improving in the classes I had bad grades in. My dad still hasn't spoken more than four words to me since our last argument, and Jen is worried, but I've been trying not to let it bother me.

"Come on!" I yell as Zack gets punched in the face by one of the putties. One of them sticks their arm out, hitting Jason in the face and knocking him down. I slam my foot into the back of one's leg and pull it's arm behind it's back, but it grabs onto me and flings me across the room, knocking the wind out of me.

I spit out blood and catch my breath as Trini crawls between the legs of one and kicks it straight in the boulders.

"You guys all know you could be murdered, right?" Alpha asks, watching our poor defense skills. He tells us to wrap it up and Jason marks another day on the wall. I grab my jacket and head out of the pit, ready to take a shower and go to bed. I follow the others back out of the ship and through the water, getting in my car and heading home.

I enter the house and Jen smiles from the kitchen, then gives me a weird look when she sees how sweaty and beat up I am.

"What's going on?" She asks, rushing over and holding my face in her hands.

"I've been taking classes after school. It's a good use of my negative energy. We did a 1 v 1 today and my partner got in a few good hits. If you think this is bad, you should see him." I chuckle, thinking about Jason.

"Well, as long as you don't break anything. You didn't break anything, right?" She pulls at my nose, making sure it's not broken. I pull my face away and smile.

"I'm fine Jen, really." She nods and goes back to whatever she was doing while I run upstairs and hop into the shower. My body definitely isn't as bruised and torn up anymore, making me smile at my small improvements. I even see a few abs poking out from my abdomen. Sick. I sit down on my bed with my towel wrapped around my body, grabbing my phone as it buzzes.

Kim: Hey Ollie, Trini and I are going out and I wanted to know if you'd come with?

Ollie: Sure, just let me know when and where!

I take a note of the details and quickly change into a fresh pair of leggings, a Beatles t-shirt, my white sneakers, and of course the jacket. My coin drops neatly into the jacket pocket as I snatch my keys off of my night stand and race down stairs.

"Olivia? Are you gonna be in for dinner tonight?" Jen asks from the living room.

"Probably not, but I'll text you if I think I'll make it back," I yell as I head out the front door. I hop into my car and drive to the little cafe that Kim told me she and Trini were at, spotting them through the window. The bell above the door rings as I walk in and Kim smiles at me from their table. Trini sends a small wave and I sit down.

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