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Yes, the epilogue is here. I hope you enjoy, and I hope this farewell does justice to the story and the characters until the second movie comes out (if there is one).

 I hope you enjoy, and I hope this farewell does justice to the story and the characters until the second movie comes out (if there is one)

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Song of the chapter: Lucky by Jason Mraz

My eyes travel down to the picture frame sitting neatly on the stand at the end of the couch. A smile falls onto my lips as I remember the picture being taken. It was our graduation day, a little over a year ago. The six of us promised to get one good picture together, and we did. Now, it sits right there every day and I thank god that I was there that night at the mine with Kimberly. 

Lee, our small Boston Terrier, pads into the living room and hops up onto the couch. He curls himself up right next to me as I gently pat his head. He was Jen's graduation gift to me and Jason. 

I let my mind wander to all of the fond memories we had during our senior year. I miss everybody, even if we do meet up once every month. I'm glad we all ended up staying in Angel Grove, that way we can stay close. Jason and I have stuck by each other this whole time, and I couldn't imagine it being any other way.

"I'm home!" Speak of the devil. Lee jumps up and lets out an excited bark as he greets Jason at the door. Jason takes his shoes off and kneels down, petting the dog with a smile on his face.

"How was work?" I ask, standing up and wandering over to him. My arms wrap loosely around his neck and his hands rest on my waist.

"It was work, but I get by when I remember that I get to come home to you." I push myself up onto my toes and press my lips to his, the same butterflies filling my stomach like they did the very first time. "Should I start dinner?" I shake my head.

"Oh no, buster. I'm making dinner. You've been at work all day, you get to relax for a little while." He opens his mouth to protest but pull him into the living room and shove him over near the couch. "Sit and take a breather, I'll let you know when it's ready."

"Thank you." He smiles softly, and I nod. I head back into the kitchen and pull out the stuff for spaghetti. Jason isn't a picky eater by any means, but spaghetti and tacos are his favorite meals, so I always make sure to make either spaghetti or tacos once a week. I usually alternate every other week so he doesn't get tired of them. I love food in general, so I enjoy all of it. 

Once the food is done, I set it all on the counter and pull out a stool for myself. I fill our glasses with water and sprinkle some Parmesan cheese on top.

"It's done!" I say, flopping down onto my stool as Jason saunters over and sits down next to me. He happily looks down at his plate and picks up the fork, taking a bite and groaning contently.

A Whole New World ✶ J.S.  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now