New Sin

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Meliodas P.O.V

Everyone was on the floor in sleeping bags, except for Elizabeth who was on her bed. While laying down I was thinking of random things and soon enough I drifted off into sleep.

When morning came I felt someone shaking my shoulder, my first thought was that it was my younger brother Zeldris.

"Five more minutes Zel." I said while rolling to the side to sleep some more.

"Time to wake up." I heard a gentle voice say. When I opened my eyes to see Elizabeth standing over me.

"Oh, morning Elizabeth."I said while sitting up. I then saw the color of her cheeks were a bright shade of red.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She looked away before pointing to my chest. I looked down to see that I was shirtless. I had an idea, I grabbed her hand and placed it on my chest. I looked back at her bright red face and saw that it was even redder.

"Eh hem!" We both looked up to find that Elaine had a smirk on her face. "Morning Elaine, are the others awake?"

"Yeah, but we need your help on waking up Ban so he can cook breakfast." She said.

"Sure." I said as I got up, grabbed my shirt, went into the kitchen and made something small to eat.

"That looks really good." I heard Elizabeth say from behind me.

"Trust me, it may look good but it tastes terrible." Diane said. "Hey it's not that bad." I said back in defense.

"Yes it is captain, it's at the point that Ban banned you from his kitchen." She said, trying not laugh.

"Really?" Elizabeth said questionably.

Elaine nodded her head. I went next to ban with a spoon full of my cooking, I then opened his mouth and put the spoon in it.

In about 2 seconds flat after feeding my cooking to him, Ban woke up covering his mouth.


"Morning to you to ban, you think you could cook breakfast now?" I said to him.

"So you didn't cook breakfast." He asked clearly confused but also relieved.

"Not after what happened last time." Diane said while setting up the table.

"Okay, I'll cook." Ban said as he got up and put on his shirt, while walking towards Elizabeth kitchen.

"I'm making omelets is that fine with everyone?" He asked.

"Yeah that sound awesome" Diane said, happily agreeing.

After breakfast we packed up our stuff and sat on the floor trying to think we should do. After a few minutes of silence I had an idea.

"Hey guys since Elizabeth is part of our group what should her symbol be?" I asked.

"That's a good question, cap'n," Ban said while also think for an answer. As we all were sitting in a circle. Elaine was sitting next to Ban, Ban was sitting next to King, King sat next to Diane, Diane was sitting next to Elizabeth and Elizabeth was sitting next to me.

"How about 'the dear sin of kindness" Diane suggested.

"I don't think a deer is the best idea, diane." Elaine said.

"Why not?!" Diane huffed.

"Becuase Ban is already the fox sin of greed, and foxes hunt deer." Elaine protested back.


"Elaine has a point, Diane. What do you think Captain." King said.

"Hmm, I got it how about The Phoenix Sin of Rebirth. What do you think Elizabeth?"

"I like it, it has a better ring to it then, Elizabeth the cursed one." She said with a fake smile. I couldn't help but feel sad for her. it takes a strong heart to go through what she went through in the past.

"Alright then, from now on you are Elizabeth, the Phoenix sin of Rebirth." I announced.

"Hey cap'n should we visit Merlin, so she can give Elizabeth her mark?" Ban said smirking.

"Yeah, I think I know were she lives. But we have to go in a car, she lives on the other side of were the school is." I told them.

"How about we take my car?" Diane suggested while holding her keys.

"But we all won't fit in there." Elaine pointed out.

"Elaine has a point."

"Hmm..." I was deep in thought until Elizabeth spoke up.

"If you want I can take an extra person, I have a motorcycle in the apartment garage." She asked.

"That's a great idea, Elizabeth." I said as I looked at her, her cheeks were a bright red color.

Hey there, Aqua here. I hope you like this chapter. I'll try and update as soon as I can. But until then.🌺

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