Rid of him

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I walked quietly behind that man looking around. Just a bit longer and it will be the right time. Just stay calm. Once we stood outside two doors my fist clenched drawing blood. I formed a few hand signs and kneeled down doing the summoning and Hayato appeared. That man turned around not looking impressed.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

He went to grab me but Hayato grabbed his fist looking pissed.

"So this is the asshole that caused you so much pain. Let me destroy him, woman." Hayato growled.

I looked at Hayato and shook my head. He was here because I wanted him to be but I would do most of this myself. He nodded and took a step back.

"My puppet how dare you." That man growled.

He pulled out a kunai and I took a stance. I didn't have my scrolls with me which would make this a bit more difficult.

He went to strike at me and I grabbed the kunai letting the blood drip down my wrist. He smiled and I elbowed his gut and he fell. I hit a pressure point and he couldn't move. He looked at me shocked.

I let the blood of my hand drip onto his neck. When there was enough I made a hand sigh and the blood began to form into a seal. His eyes widened as he tried to move. He would be able to move soon but by that time I would be finished.

I kept weaving the hands signs until the blood began to boil and the seal was burned into his flesh and the blood evaporated.

He was panting and I put my hand on the seal letting my chakras flow into the seal. When it was finished I stood up and gave him a cold look watching pain spread through his face. I looked at Hayato and he nodded and picked that man up.

"We'll hold him until he dies. We'll keep him alive until he dies of old age making him suffer as long as possible." Hayato said.

Hayato went up in a puff of smoke leaving me alone. That seal broke down his chakras system first and then his body would slowing break down causing suffering until his body stopped functioning died of old age or I undid the seal.

The proses was slow and agonising something I made hoping to help with my dads work. He would suffer to the end and know pain. He was most likely to die of old age.

I soon left the hideout and looked up at the sky. He was finally dealt with. I took another step forward only for pain to shoot through my body. I fell as the side effects kicked in.

I balled my hands up into fists getting grass as the pain got worse. This is why it was better to use scrolls it reduced side effects.

I let my eyes close as I began to lose consciousness. It was worth the pain finally riding my life of him. It will pass in a few days.

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