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The attack cleared and I looked to see Asuma injured. How was that possible? They were connected. So whatever happened to Hidan happened to Asuma. Asuma ran at Hidan but Hidan stabbed his leg with a black spike and Asuma fell. I cringed. I wanted to get involved but I was given orders to stay in the shadows and observe.

Hidan went to stab his heart. Now I would have gotten involved but Shikamaru was on it. I knew he would make it in time. Shikamaru caught Hidan in his shadow. Hidan fought against it but Shikamaru managed to hold it.

Now how to break through it. I knew blood had something had to do with it. It made sense because some seals used blood to help seal a person. Shimakaru figured it out. Of course, he did, the damn genius. Shikamaru began forcing Hidan out of the symbol.

I listen to Shikamaru explaining. I must say Shikamaru impressed me. Shikamaru got him out and they tested to see if the theory was right. And it was. Shikamaru stabbed him with Shadows and Asuma cut Hidan's head off. but that left Kakuzu. Now he worried me.

Shikamaru was exhausted. I looked at Hidan's head as it spoke. So not even decapitation would work on him. The two began arguing before Hidan asked for help. Kakuzu moved and picked up the head of Hidan.

Kakuzu attacked Asuma. He was fast and strong. He knocked Asuma down in seconds. I watched as he reattached Hidan's head. this was getting out of hand. The best option was to retreat but right now that wasn't possible.

The two split up Kakuzu fighting Izumo Koutetsu and Hidan back on Asuma. Shikamaru was too worn out to do much. Izumo and Kotetsu did there partnered attack. and soon Kakuzu was trapped in the sticky water. But he held the two up by detaching his hand and strangling them.

those two were out of commission now. Hidan again attacked Asuma who pretended to be passed out. But dodge the attack. However, it came from behind but he again dodged. I cringed as it stabbed Hidan and he was in the symbol.

Asuma fell in pain. I watched shocked. I looked at my hands. If I was going to use it now was the time. Hidan was about to stab his heart. I let my chakra surge through my hands and the bandages came off. I lept down behind Hidan placing my right hand on his back.

hand of white, seal one, power.

He turned around shocked and was soon frozen in place. I grabbed his collar throwing him away and out of the symbol. I bit my thumb and summoned Hayato. I looked at my right hand's thumb to see the word on my thumb fading. That will be a pain to get back.

each hand had five seals. my right hand held none lethal seal that was strong. my left hand held lethal seal that was strong. Each one had a level the thumb being the weakest seal on the pinkie the strongest. It took me three years to do all of them. And it would take about a week or more to regain the one I just used. Now to deal with the other.

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