Simply Voiceless

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I was some with helping Shikamaru so now I stood in the shadows watching Naruto. He was working so hard. Putting everything he had into everything he did. I envied him. Always believing in himself and others no matter what.

I watched as he lost control multiple times. But it was stopped. He was safe. That's all I needed to know. So I went to walk away. However, before I did I spared him one last glance.

I began heading back to the idiots. Knowing them they were slacking off. And when I arrived I never thought I would be so mad to be correct.

I jumped behind them as they sat chatting. I kicked Kenji across the grass shocking everyone. He groaned in pain.

"How did I not see you coming, " He said.

He obviously doesn't know about my stealth skills. But that's not what he should be worried about. I glared him down making the others laughed before I turned to them glaring.

"i know what you're thinking that I told you to leave so we could slack off but-" He froze when I turned my glare back to him.

"i think she's mad, " Kaede said.

"of course she is, idiot. Knowing her she'll make us do that stupid obstacle course again and continue chakra endurance training before introducing a new killing training, " Orcho said.

I turned to him with a smirk. Everyone glared at him and Eri punched his head.

"shut up will you. Stop giving her ideas you mooron, " she hissed.

After another glare, they all finally stood up and looked at me.

"show me your progress, " I signed.

I watched as they all did it. They all improved a significant deal since I left. Once they stopped they looked at me scared.

"I'll let it slip this once because you have improved. But keep practising even when we're not training together. Now if you ever do this again don't let me catch you, " I signed.

They all relaxed and I let them leave for today. I was about to leave only for my arm to be grabbed by Kenji.

"come get some food with us, " he said smiling.

I was about to refuse when Takumi cut in.

"you tell us to act as a team. And the best way to bound is through sharing meals. So you should come. You are apart of this team aren't you?" He said.

I sent him a light glare before rolling my eyes and agreeing. They dragged me to a sushi bar and we all sat at a table chatting.

Even though I am apart of this team I can't help but feel alienated. They say the best way to bond is to share meals but their wrong. The best way to bond is to talk to each other. I couldn't do that.

I was always different from everyone. They could share ideas and thoughts so easily. But I couldn't. The only people I could do so somewhat easily with was with people that knew sign language. And that didn't draw peoples attention.

I couldn't interject or add my opinion into a conversation because it was a hassle. I couldn't laugh, scream or anything like that. Even if I learnt to live with it it still dawned on me every once in a while.

That no one other than those back, when I was with them, has heard my voice.

I was simply voiceless.

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