Season 1 Episode 2 - Unprovoked

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Björn returned to Kattegat.
Floki warned Björn off of Runå.
Runå was shocked to see her long lost first love.

Runå is sitting with Helga in their hut and Helga strokes Runå's cheek and says "My Dear Child, what is the matter?" Runå shakes her head "It is nothing Mother" Helga says "The one true gift a Mother inherits is she knows when her child is saddened" and Runå says "It is Björn, why has he returned?" Helga smiles "Björn is a good man, you should be with him. Björn loves you" Runå scoffs in disbelief and says "Yes, he loved me that much he abandoned me" Helga grasps hold of Runå's hand and says "Runå, Björn was only a child. What happened was not his fault" "But why did he leave? Was I not enough for him?" Floki walks in and acknowledges Runå and Helga and asks "Runå what ever is wrong?" Runå stands up and says "It is nothing Father" and Runå walks out of the hut. Floki looks to Helga and asks "What is wrong with her?" Helga stands up and says "It is Björn, I think his return has shocked her. I'm worried about her" Björn cups Helga's cheek and says "Do not worry My Dear Helga, Everything will be fine".

Runå is walking through Kattegat when she sees Björn and she walks the other way and she bumps into Grim. Grim smirks "Hello Runå". Björn looks over at Runå and Grim and sees Runå laughing with Grim and his jaw clenches which Ragnar notices and he chuckles and Björn looks to Ragnar "What?" Ragnar says "You still love her don't you?" Björn walks off and says "What does it matter".

Grim is walking through Kattegat when Björn walks past him and Grim says "Well if it is not the famous Björn" Björn turns around and says "Excuse me? and you are?" "I am Grim, Runå's friend" Björn nods and Grim says "You are the one who broke her heart" Björn says "And what does that matter to you?" Grim pushes Björn and Björn stumbles back and he punches Grim.

Runå walks out of The Great Hall to see a crowd gathering around and the crowd begins to shout. Runå walks towards the crowd and sees Björn punching Grim as Grim is laying flat on the ground. Runå gasps in shock.

Grim is sitting in Runå's hut as his face is all cut and bloodied and Runå is cleaning up his face. Runå shakes her head and says "I cannot believe Björn would do something like this. What happened?" Grim shakes his head and says "It was unprovoked all I done was walk past him and he just charged at me" Runå says "Unbelievable"and Grim says "I love you Runå, I am in love with you" and Runå stands in shock and Grim kisses Runå and she kisses him back and Helga walks in and says "I would like a moment alone with my Daughter please" Grim nods and stands up and says to Runå "Will I see you after?" Runå nods "Certainly" and Grim walks out. Helga closes the door and asks "What are you doing Runå?" Runå says "He kissed me, Grim told me he loves me" Helga shakes her head and says "Do not begin a relationship with Grim, he is not good enough for you" and Runå sighs.

It's late at night and Runå is sitting outside her hut and Björn walks past her hut when he acknowledges Runå and Björn says "Runå, can we talk?" Runå shrugs her shoulders and says "That depends, will you hit me?" Björn tilts his head to the side and says "I would never hurt you. I came here to apologise, I am sorry for everything and I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me" Runå locks eyes with Björn and Björn smiles at Runå and he walks away and Runå opens her mouth to shout his name and call him back but she hesitates and she walks back inside the hut.

Runå asks for her Father's guidance.
Björn tries to win Runå back.
Helga and Björn have a heart to heart.

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