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Last chapter:
[You hold onto the ledge, trying not to collapse. Finally, you find the strength to look into his blue- green eyes. They are swirling with different emotions, shock, confusion, respect, and a few twinges of something else. You smile. "I simply decided to swim through ice."]

The boy looks at you in confusion. "idiot. You can't swim through ice."

You grin to yourself, ducking underwater to hide your smile. Resurfacing, you give him a once over, and realize the idiot is wearing swim trunks.

"Didn't I say that I intended to beat you?" The boy grinned smugly. You groan.

" oh my god you're so annoying why?" You grab his hand and pull him headfirst into the water, laughing as he reemerges sopping wet, blond hair plastered on his face.
" here you go," you pass him the elastic band you always keep on your wrist. "so that you don't look like a wet cat."

"I'm hotter than a wet cat," he says, holding on to the wall while he ties his long hair back. " now, I'm thinking we race."

"Idiot. After this, we get out, change, then go somewhere and tell each other our names." You extend your hand, which he takes.


You grin. "Alright, I'm thinking we start off easy. 50 free?" You wait as he nods, then set up on the wall. "Ready, set, go!" Quickly you push off, your arms reaching and pulling, kicks perfectly balanced in the water. You forgot to put on your goggles, so your eyes are shut right as to not hurt them. You reach for the wall, taking a breath. The boy is still 1/4 if the way away. When he reaches the wall, panting, you grin. "Still wanna race?" He nods his head no while gasping for air.

"How the f—"
(Im keeping this PG even though anyone who has watched Yuri in ice can probably handle it... if you don't really care pls say so in comments lol)

" it's called practice. Lots of it. Now come on, I want to say hi to those girls over there. You think the coach will mind?" You drag him over to the girls, him furiously kicking to keep pace.

The coach did not, in fact, mind at all. She led the girls to you, all of them either confused or awestruck. Blue cap and black cap rushed over excitedly.

" my name is Maria," blue cap said excitedly.

" I'm Sophia," the black cap waved.

"Maria and Sophia. Nice to meet you. Also, before anyone who knows me says my name, I have a bet with the idiot behind me that we can't tell each other our names.

Maria and a few other girls gasp as they look at the boy holding onto the wall behind you. " BUT THATS" she quickly covers her mouth as he shoots her a glare and swims over to her, his icy blue green eyes glaring at her. Maria has a look that is a mix of admiration, excitement, and fear. He puts a finger under her chin and lifts it up so her eyes meet his. She blushes.

" like the swimmer over there said, we have a bet. Please don't reveal my name, I want her to feel sorry she ever called me an idiot."

" stop trying to seduce her, Icehead," you grumble from behind. He quickly turns around and looks at you.

"SHUT UP!" He yells, even though you're only a few feet away.

"You're such a drama Queen, skater boy." Smirking, you eggbeater over to him. He glares at you, annoyed. "Let's go, I don't want to interrupt their practice further. You pick him up and eggbeater to the other edge, him protesting the entire way.

"I can swim too you know!" He sputters when you finally set him down.

" well, you carried me when we were ice skating, it's only fair." Quickly you get out and grab a towel from your bag. The boy does the same. " So. Change, come back, leave the pool and go..."

Swimming through iceWhere stories live. Discover now