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You always had huge respect for ice skaters. You never became one. Instead, you ended up using your talents for something else. Out of all things, you became a synchronized swimmer.

You dove into the pool, holding your breath and going into tuck position. Your solo, the solo that could change your career. The same one that could get you into the Olympics. The music begins playing. A soft tune, sharp but delicate, conveying the beauty of a dream. Your dream. Fishtail, vertical, spiral. A quick pop up, and then back underwater. A flamingo combination, then ballet leg double. Pike, splits, vertical, and then breath. You move your hands to the music, struggling to smile and breathe. Your coach pauses the music.

" No,no,no! (Y/N)! Where is the emotion, the grace? Where is the passion? The flexibility? I haven't seen you like this for years!" Your coach yells from the sidelines.

"Sorry!" You yell back. Then stop, realizing what's going to happen.

"SORRY?? We never say sorry. We get better. We learn. We are not sorry, we are swimmers! You know what, I think you need a break from the pool. Your theme this year is dream, no? I'm going to be sending you to a friend of mine. He's a coach, in Russia. Ice skaters are his specialty. As a matter of fact, he and his student are preparing for the Grand Prix at the same time you're preparing for nationals! He's coaching a boy. I believe he's the same age you are. Who knows, maybe you'll get along!" Your coach, all anger gone, helps you out of the pool. " Go get ready. I'll set you up to leave tomorrow. By the way, Russia is cold, so bring a jacket!"
You groan internally. You're sixteen, right at the borderline of being a teen and being an adult. You reach for your towel, drying yourself off.

This is gonna be fun. You think to yourself. Almost a month in freaking Russia, when you should be practicing your solo. Walking out of the building and to the car, you start making a mental checklist on what you'll need.

The next day, your coach waits for you at the airport.

"Here's your ticket, don't bother looking for a place to stay. You'll be rooming with my friends student. Good luck, (Y/N). You'd better find an inspiration!

As the plane begins rising, you start to feel drowsy. After all, you did wake up really early. Now you got to find an inspiration, and spend two weeks in Russia.

This is gonna be fun.

*yay I accomplished something anyways if you do read this thx!*

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